Fifty Two - No matter what

Start from the beginning

"As soon as I tell you, run."


"I'm going to ask you one last time, goblin". Bellatrix shrieked at Griphook who had been brought out of the dungeon. "And be very careful how you answer. Who got into my vault?!" She screamed.

"I don't know" he answered quietly. I was still stood halfway across the room with Draco, watching as his parents and Bellatrix threatened and interrogated the goblin.

"You don't know?" She mimicked him. "Why weren't you doing your job?! Who got into my vault? Who stole it? WHO STOLE IT? WELL?" She said with venom in her voice, brandishing a dagger to the goblins throat.

"When I was last in your vault, the sword was there" he said.

"Well perhaps it just walked out on its own then?!"

"There is no place safer than gringotts."

"LIAR!" With her yell, she sliced the dagger across his cheek leaving a deep cut there, blood dripping out of it. She leant down to be a mere few inches away from his face. "Consider yourself lucky. Goblin" she spat.

She stood up from the goblin and turned in the direction of us. I let go of Dracos hand, scared of her seeing it. She walked over to Hermiones body that still lay pale and still. "However. The same won't be said for this one". She drew her wand.


Bellatrix's wand went flying across the room. I followed it to see it be caught by Ron - he and Harry had escaped from the dungeon, standing at the top of the staircase.

Me and Draco presented our wand, wanting the death eaters to see us prepared to fight the others which I desperately didn't want to do.

Lucius drew his wand and pointed it towards Ron. Harry stepped in and yelled

"STUPEFY!" Lucius flew across the room, me and Draco moving to the side to avoid his flying body. He ran forward, standing beside his mother. Flashes of green and red flew through the room, Ron and Harry battling against Draco and his mother. They each shot spells and blocked them. I stood helplessly in the centre of the room, not knowing wether to fight them or not.


I whipped my head around to see that Bellatrix was stood mere feet behind me. She had dragged Hermione upwards, her hand grabbing her hair exposing her neck that she had a dagger pressed to.
The flashes immediately stopped.

"Drop your wands!" She yelled to them. Harry and Ron shared a look with each other. "DROP THEM" she repeated. Ron threw his wand onto the floor, it cluttering just before Harry did the same. "You. Pick them up. Now!" She was speaking to me.

I rushed over to where they were standing, my heart beating faster than it ever had before. Narcissa and Draco moved to the side of the room where Lucius had just walked to after picking himself up. I picked the wands up from the floor, looking Ron in the eye. The fury in his face was clearly directed towards me.

The wands in hand, I hurried over to the side of the room to stand with the other three. Draco took the wands from my hand.

"Look what we have here" Bellatrix whispered. "It's Harry Potter." The jinx on his face had worn off revealing the unmistakable face of Harry. "All bright and shiny and new again. Just in time for the dark lord"

I felt a pit in my stomach being dug once again. Her gaze turned to Draco. "Call him." She said.

He glanced towards Harry, then to me. He turned back to his aunt, immediately switching his gaze to the floor seeing the knife she had to Hermione's throat. "Call him" she said louder.

Before Draco had a chance to hesitate, his father stepped forward. He pulled back the sleeve of his coat and then his shirt, revealing the swirling tattoo that lay under his skin. My heart rate went higher than I ever thought it could as I braced myself for the arrival of the dark lord.

Everyone heard it - the gentle squeak that sounded like the turning of a rusty wheel made everyone look upwards. Bellatrix, stood directly beneath it couldn't see what I could. Atop the black chandelier, was a scrawny house elf dressed in a dirty tunic. He seemed to be twisting one of the bolts on the chandelier.

It came crashing down. With a yell, Bellatrix shoved Hermione far forward, both of them stumbling as they went in opposite directions. The elf apparated
to the other end of the rooms where Ron and Harry where stood, Hermione running to join them.

Ron caught Hermione as she fell forward, but Harry came dashing over to me. He reached for the wands in Dracos hand, wrestling with him to get them. Draco looked towards me, then to his parents and aunt who were all turned away. He turned back to Harry and released the wands.

Harry ran over to the others, each of them grabbing onto the elf.

"Stupid elf! You could of killed me!" Bellatrix screamed, walking in front of me, followed by Lucius and Narcissa.

"Go" Draco whispered. I looked towards him and desperately shook my head. "Blow up the other cabinet so they can't get to you. Run to hogsmeade. Do whatever it takes." I looked up at him, a lump growing in my throat. Bellatrix was shrieking and they weren't facing us. I knew they couldn't hear us but it still terrified me. "I love you forever. No matter what." He took the ring I had given him off his middle finger and placed it in my palm. "Please. Go."

I looked at him with tears welling in my eyes as I heard Bellatrix screaming at the house elf. I whispered to him.

"I love you"

I made sure I was quiet so I wasn't heard. I silently tiptoed across the short stretch of floor to the staircase. I took a final look at Draco.

I turned up the stairs and ran as lightly as I could up them. I went as fast as I possibly could, the fear of getting caught filling my chest making it difficult breath. I placed the ring that he had given me onto my thumb.

I slipped into the room with the cabinet not bothering shutting the door. I opened the door to the cabinet and went inside shutting the door behind me. I wiped the hot tear from my cheek.

"Harmonia Nectere Passus"


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