Rebecca felt her blood boiling as she took offense to going along with an arranged marriage.

"I'm going to need a drink." Rebecca told him seriously.

Outside, Colby's Uber pulled up to the Westbury Hotel. He looked out of the car window and quickly realized he was out of place.

"This is a five star hotel. You must have lots of money, huh?" The Uber driver asked.

"More like I spent my entire life's saving just to stay here for a few days." Colby said as he got out of the car.

He began getting his luggage out of the trunk as he continued looking at the elegant hotel in awe.

"Thank you for the ride." Colby said

His Uber driver got back in the car without responding.

Seth took a deep breath, knowing that this wasn't going to what he had expected at all.

At the hotel resturaunt, Rebecca had just chugged down an entire mimosa.

"I think you'd better slow down on the drinks Rebecca." Drew warned her with a bit of impatience.

"Oh, okay.. Can you do me a favor though?" Rebecca asked.

"Yeah?" Drew asked.

"Don't tell me what to do." Rebecca said truthfully.

Drew couldn't help but be a little surprised by Rebecca's sudden change of attitude.

"I'm sorry.. I don't mean to be rude." Rebecca began to apologize. "This is just a lot for me.. And it's all so fast."

"That is what your father wanted, yes?" Drew asked.

Rebecca stared at Drew from across the table as if she had just come to some sort of realization.

"I can't do this." Rebecca surprisingly let out.

Drew furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"This isn't what I want. I don't want any of this." Rebecca told him.

"But your father-." Drew tried to explain to her.

"This isn't about my father." Rebecca interrupted him.

Drew let out an unbelievable laugh.

"I'm sorry that I wasted your time but I can't go forward with this." Rebecca said seriously.

Drew stared at Rebecca with disbelief at what he was hearing. He got up with a bit of frustration and stormed out of the hotel.

At the front desk, the concierge took Seth's information and began processing his payment for his stay. Colby couldn't help but feel embarrassed. Everyone in the hotel was clearly very wealthy yet here he was, a small town boy from the mid-west, rocking jeans and a worn out flannel shirt. Everyone was giving him looks of judgement.

"Here you are sir. Room 305." The concierge said as he handed Colby his room keys.

"Thank you." Colby said as he took notice of the bar on the other side of the lobby.

After spending all of his savings and being in a place that made him feel a little insecure about himself, Colby was dying for a drink.

"Can I have a beer, please?" Colby asked as he approached the bar with his luggage.

"A beer?" The bartender asked as if he was judging Colby's choice of drink.

Seth furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Do you guys not have that here?" Colby asked.

"No, no, we have beer." The bartender said.

Colby looked around and realized no one else was drinking beer. Thoughts flooded his head as he felt the eyes of the entire room on him. He looked around. No one was actually looking at him, it was just a bit of anxiety taking over him.

"Scotch please." Rebecca said as she sat down at the bar.

Colby quickly glanced down to find a beautiful, brown eyed woman just a few feet from him. She was clearly out of his league.

Rebecca took a deep breath and began taking off her heels. Colby watching in confusion out of the corner of his eye as she acted as if no one was watching.

"You clearly don't belong here." Rebecca said suddenly.

Colby looked away quickly, hoping she wasn't talking to him. Rebecca examined Colby for a moment, seeing that he was definitely out of place.

"Neither do I." Rebecca confessed.

Colby now looked over at her with curiosity.

"It certainly doesn't look that way." Colby said.

Rebecca let out a small laugh.

"Not everything is it exactly as it appears." Rebecca assured him.

Colby couldn't help but be intrigued by the beautiful Irish woman.

"What's your name?" Rebecca asked, curious of the outsider standing before her.

"Colby." He told her as he gripped tightly onto his glass of beer.

Rebecca got up and moved to the seat next to him.

"I'm Rebecca." She told him as she head up her glass for a cheers.

Colby let out an unbelievable smile as he watched Rebecca take a drink. What neither of them knew was that this was the day that would change the rest of their lives. From this moment on, everything would change. Nothing would ever be the same again.

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