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You and Kelsey walk into your room. Kelsey drops here bag and plops on your bed sighing.

"I'm so happy school is finally OVER it felt like forever!" She said

"I know right I'm so happy summer is finally here." I said

"I bet you are you going to have such an exciting summer while I'm here in this boring town all alone." She said

She say that but the truth is she actually has other friends beside me which I couldn't relate because she pretty much is one of my only friends besides Britney.

Kelsey helps you finish packing your bag and put it in the car.

"I'm driving with you to the airport" she said

"I call shotgun." Your sister yells

You, Kelsey, your dad and sister all get in the car and drive to the airport. You see Kelsey smiling but you know her to well and can tell she is actually hold her tears back but doesn't want me to know. Which just shows that she loves me and wants me to have a good time but also doesn't want me to leave.

We arrive at the airport and say our good byes. Security went by really smoothly and fast. We kinda took a stop at Starbucks and got lost in the airport but we made it to our gate and about 10 minutes later they boarded us on to the plane and we all sat next to each other. Of course I have to take the window sit but I wasn't complaining it just meant I didn't have to get up as much as I would because my sister get really nervous on planes and has to use the bathroom a lot so it made sense for her to be in the aisle seat. The flight felt like forever I finished a entire show

We finally landed and got off and head to get our bags. Lucky for us our bag were one of the first ones so it was really quick and easy but we had to wait awhile for our grandma to get here and pick us because we were staying at her house.

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