60. Back to the UK

Start from the beginning


"What on earth are you wearing?" John asks with a raised eyebrow when Ben walks into the living room.
The boy is wearing the baby wrap with Liz in it, so the girl will be comfortable during the drive to the airport. "I'm wearing... Liz." Ben says with a giggle. "Why? Don't you think it suits me?" He adds with a grin. He carefully strikes some poses.
John rolls his eyes. "No. That poor girl. Being worn as an accessory." He says.
"You're not funny John." Joe says to his brother when he comes out of the kitchen. "Our Uber will be here in about 10 minutes." The ginger says to Ben. He smiles when he sees that Liz has fallen asleep in the baby wrap. Which Joe totally gets. Ben's chest is simply very comfortable. "Hey little lady, you're in my spot." He says.
Ben laughs at that. He gives Joe a sweet kiss, as some kind of consolation.
At that point the front door opens. Mary, Joseph and Matt enter the room. "Hi boys. How much time have we left?" Joseph asks with a small smile.
Joe frowns at that. "Hi Dad. We almost have to leave, I'm afraid." He says with a sigh. 
Ben takes the ginger's hand when he sees that the boy swallows. He knows that it's hard for the boy to say goodbye. "Maybe you should get the gift." Ben says softly.
Joe nods, and disappears into the bedroom to get it.
"Looking good with that baby wrap Ben. It suits you." Matt says to Ben.
Who immediately turns to John. "See?" He says with a smirk. 
John rolls his eyes and mumbles a 'whatever'.

When Joe returns, he has a small box in his hand. He walks to Mary and gives her the box. "This is for you." He says.
Mary looks at him questioningly, but takes the gift anyway. She carefully opens the box, and a bracelet appears. She takes out the silver jewel to take a closer look. A beautiful pink stone shines in the center of the bracelet.
"We have the same bracelet for Liz that she can wear when she's older." Ben says with a smile.
Joe nods in agreement. "That way the two of you are always connected." He adds. He chuckles when he sees tears sparkle in Mary's eyes.
"That's so sweet." The girl says. She steps forward and hugs her brother.
Ben and Matt share a smile when they see the two.
"I'm gonna miss you." Joe says when he and Mary let go of the hug. He looks at his phone, and sees their Uber will be here in five minutes. So he turns to his Dad, and hugs him as well.
After that, Joseph walks over to Ben. He wants to hug the boy, but Ben stops him.
"C-could I maybe talk to you in private?" Ben asks, his voice nearly above a whisper.
Joseph nods, and together they walk into the bedroom.

"Everything alright?" Joseph asks Ben with a reassuring smile.
Ben nods. "Yeah. I just uhm... I just wanted to thank you for the warm welcome, to start with." He starts nervously fiddling with his hands, having trouble to maintain eye contact with the man. And so he moves his eyes down, smiling a little when he sees the peaceful look on Liz's face.
She's snuggled up against his chest, not bothered by the sound of his raised heartbeat. 
Joseph smiles. "Of course, always." He says with a wink. "Anything else? You know you can tell me anything." He adds when he notices how nervous the blond is.
Ben takes a deep breath. "Well, I uhm, I also wanted to ask you something." He reaches into the pocket of his trousers and pulls out a small black box. He opens it, making a beautiful ring appear. "I wanted to ask your blessing. I know we're both still very young but-"
"Ben, let me stop you right there." Joseph says, making Ben's heart drop. "Of course you have my blessing." He says with a big smile.
Ben's eyes widen slightly as he lets out a relieved breath. "Really?" He ask in a shaky voice.
Joseph nods. "Really. I've never seen Joe this happy ever since his mom passed away. I was really scared that all the alcohol would take its toll at some point. That he'd destroy himself one time or another. But then he met you and he finally became happy again. I'd be honored to call you my official son-in-law." He says with a big smile.
And again, Ben lets out a relieved breath. "You have no idea how happy you're making me." He says with a big smile.
"So, should I expect a call from Joe anytime soon telling me he got engaged?" Joseph asks curiously.
Ben shakes his head. "I think it will be a while until I'll propose to him. I just didn't want to ask you this over the phone. I want things to settle down a little with Liz and everything before taking the next step." He explains. "And... well, I need to turn eighteen first because...-" He stops talking.
"Because that's the only way you won't need your parents' permission for the wedding?" He says.
Ben looks up in surprise. "Y-yeah."
Joseph shoots him a caring smile. "Joe told me about the situation with your parents. He didn't want you to be uncomfortable during your stay here so he told me all about it. So I wouldn't ask any questions about them." He explains.
Ben smiles. "That was sweet of him." 
Joseph steps forward, capturing the boy into a hug, careful not to wake his granddaughter. "I'm proud of you Ben." He smiles when he can feel the British boy loosen up a little. "Let's go back to the others, hm? We don't want to to evoke suspicion."
Ben smiles and nods. "Good idea." 

"Everything okay?" Joe asks the moment his boyfriend and father walk into the room again.
Ben nods. "Yeah, just wanted to thank your dad for having me over." He says, trying to look as calm as possible.
Joseph nods to confirm that. "Your boyfriend is very polite. You could learn a thing or two from him." He says to his son with a smirk.
Joe rolls his eyes before hugging his dad once again. "I'll miss you." He mumbles during the hug. 
Meanwhile, Ben is talking to Matt to say goodbye. "Just know you can always come over to see her, okay?" Ben says.
Matt smiles and nods. "Thank you." He moves a little closer to Liz. "You know what Liz? Mary and I will be the best aunt and uncle you can wish for, okay?"
Mary nods in agreement, intertwining her fingers with Matt's.
"I guess we really have to go now. I think we've made the Uber guy wait long enough." Joe says after checking his phone.
Ben nods. "Yeah, let's go."
Both take their luggage, and after saying goodbye to everyone once again, they leave. 


What can I say? It was about time that someone started talking about getting married, am I right?😜

Sorry for the wait, but I hope you enjoyed this chapter despite it.

Kisses from me😘

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