Once I was standing infront of the park, she sat down inside again. I looked at her confused.

"What are you doing?" I asked knocking on her window but instead of answering the taxi left.

I took out my phone and called her. How can she leave me here alone?

The phone was ringing when the path infront of me illuminated with lights.

Lights were hanging on both the sides. I looked around but there wasn't anyone. The lights glowed in the dark.

As I stepped closer to the lights, I noticed a piece of paper stuck to the first light.

Opening it I saw the instructions to follow the lights. Should I really follow it?

What if it's for someone else? Or worse what if a serial killer is waiting for me in there?

I made up my mind to follow the lights. If I die today atleast I am dressed nicely.

I followed the lighted path. I reached a clearing and I stopped. My feet were stuck right there.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. A tent was set up illuminated with hundreds of lights.

Flowers were arranged and a table was set up in the middle.

And infront of all that, Aman was standing, waiting for me.

He slowly walked towards me. I could see his smile from far away. He took my hands in his as he reached me.

Pulling me along with him, he helped me in the seat and sat down infront of me. He looked at me and smiled widely showing his left dimple.

Clearing his throat he said, "Alina, I-I don't know how to start. I prepared a whole speech. But now it seems too cringe and I can't remember it properly."

I laughed, "It's okay. I don't mind cringe."

"Alina you light up my life like these lights. You spread fragrance in my life like these flowers."

I smiled, "Go on."

He rubbed his neck sheepishly. "You-you have become my everything in such a little time. I never knew love was this beautiful until I fell in love with you. When you smile my heart beats so fast I am afraid I might die." 

I laughed through my tears which I didn't knew were falling in the first place.

"I first saw you through a window. You were dancing in the rain. I couldn't understand how someone could be so happy about water falling from the sky. But the more time I spend with you I realise that I will be happy even if I am just sitting if it's with you."

He paused and looked at me. Tears kept on falling and he chuckled seeing that. Picking up a tissue he wiped my tears.

"I searched for you everywhere. You were in my thoughts, dreams and mind all the time. When I finally found you, I couldn't believe myself. You are the most beautiful person I have seen and it may seem like an exaggeration to you but it's the truth."

He stood up and knelt down infront of me. I smiled and wiped my tears.

"I will fight with anyone, go through anything if it's with you. You stayed with me through the time I was sick. I know it's a lot to ask but would you stay with me forever?"  

More tears fell down and I nodded as I sobbed harder.

"I will stay with you forever." 

A smile graced his lips replacing his nervous expression from before. Taking out a velvet box from his pocket, he opened it.

"I want to put it on you infront of everyone to let them know that you are mine now."

I giggled and held his hand as he stood up.

"You still have to talk to my family." I reminded him.

He raised an eyebrow and smiled at me, "I talked to them already. Your mom loves me. She asked to disown you and adopt me."

I gasped. "What? The betrayal-"

He laughed, "Your brother was a bit difficult to impress. He even called me today. But nothing is impossible for me."

"Is that so?"

He hummed, "I would do anything if it's for you."

My face heat up and I smiled at him.

"Alina, I love you very much."

"Aman, I love you very much too."

"That's good because this would have been awkward if you didn't." He joked making me laugh.

I realised that I do really want to spend the rest of my life with him. And how lucky I am that he wants to spend his with me.



Hello my dear readers,

Hope you liked the ending and the book.

If you enjoyed my writing consider giving my other books a chance too. "Another Love Story' is completed and waiting for your reads.

Stay safe and healthy~
- Author

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