Chapter 4 : IM 7TEEN

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Chapter 4


 “What come on can we do this in the morning” I moaned while putting my pillow over my head.

 “It’s already morning” said Kirara “O you know what I mean Kiara”. I moaned.

 “Well to bad we already lit the candles” spoke a familiar voice.

 I popped up from under my pillow to see my big brother Lyric standing there in his military out fit on.

 “LYRIC” I yelled while jumping up to hug him.  “Ha-ha hey lil sis I missed you” he said.

 ”O I missed you too” I said. “ awe but thank that guy Jesse he’s the one who bought my ticket if it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t be here “he said while smiling his little pretty boy smile.

 I smirked and ran out my room to see Jesse leaned against the wall. I almost ran passed him before I noticed him there then I leaped hugging him until we fell on the ground.

“Wow kid you have a strong grip” he breathed.

”Jesse thank you thank you thank you … you don’t even know how much I love you right now” yelled hugging him harder.

“I think I do by how you’re trying to squeeze the life out of me”.

“O I’m sorry” I let go of him “how’d you know about Lyric” I asked him.

He smiled “I got my people”

“Chris told you” I said back.

“YEP”he said while popping the P.

“Then I need to thank him too” I said.

“But your gift isn’t over yet tomorrow were all going to the mall and you can get whatever you want” he said with his smirk.

“OOOOO can I get a dog” I shouted like a little kid

“Harmony are you serious”

“Please Jesse I wanna name him Cheeto” I begged with a puppy dog face

He sighed “fine you can get Cheeto”

“See your already getting used to his name” I teased

“Don’t push it Harmony” he shouted.

“FINE GEEEEEZ” I screamed back.

“O so I’m getting you a dog and you scream at me OK”! He stated

I turned around and started walking to my room “get over it”

“Lord do I hate you Harmony” he said

“LOVE U TOO” I shouted while walking into my room.

“OK OK OK ….” Every one got quite I put my fingers up and sang “Happy birthday to you….”And constructed my fingers around like Beethoven.

“I think she want’s us to sing happy birthday to her” said Chris.

“NO SHIT SHERLOCK” screamed Kiara.

“You know what Kiara” said Chris

“WHAT CHRIS” she shouted


I cut him off “HEY HEY HEY” I constructed my fingers again and this time they sang.

“MUSIC TO MY EARS GUYS I’M 17 YEARS OLD AND MOST OVE ALL I’M GOING BACK TO SLEEP” I said while jumping under my covers.

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Jun 04, 2011 ⏰

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Fame + Love = Harmony (ON HOLD)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon