"A-absolutely sir...I...I'll get my things together now and head out...you can count on me" he said as he gave him a small salute but was surprised as he was pulled into a hug

"Thank you...now...I suppose I should....go see if there's anything to check up on...be safe" Thomson said and he left the teen in his room as he went back to the table at his spot where everyone was still high energy.

Sapnap sat in the room processing. It's why she had run, it's why they were hiding it's the why to so many questions he had lately but now that he knew he could handle it better. He got his things for his travels and left, not saying goodbye to anyone as he got on his horse and rode off as quickly as he could with the map Thomson had given him and the compass around his neck.

Back in logsted Y/n, Tommy and Tubbo were doing quite well. They had been doing wonderful upkeep with the farm and animals but they were incredibly bored having to be stuck in town but it allowed them to work more on some of their hobbies war had forced them to drop, Tommy experimented with a few gardening methods for carrots and wheat while tubbo started a small beehive a bit away from the main garden and Y/n really just got to work on her enchanting as it was becoming increasingly important with the recent events though she did enjoy reading the enchant language.

It was nearly late afternoon when Sapnap arrived in town he had removed anything with any mention of being from the kingdom and he got off his horse looking around the town after being let in without question. He was in awe of everything around him as he stared in awe of the town his beloved had been raised in. He ended up asking someone for where the family lived, upon finding it he couldn't help but smile at the home and he smiled more as he heard warm laughter from inside, he had never heard any of them so happy but her laughter warmed his heart.

He carefully tied up his horse and headed to the door a bit nervous now, he hadn't been on the greatest terms when he last saw all of them so it made him a bit worried but he hoped they understood. He knocked a bit softly at the door and waited patiently. He heard the laughter calm and creeks on the worn wooden floors as someone came to open the door.

Tommy opened the door expecting one of the neighbors or maybe even his father but as he was face to face with Sapnap he let out an unholy screech out of habit and backed away nearly tripping over his own feet.

"Sh-shhh shut up they could hear you-" Sapnap said as he covered his mouth quickly and looked out to where he could barely see the entrance to the town "I'm not here to- OW- FUCK-" he yelled in pain as Tommy had bitten his hand and he took it back

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE HOW DID YOU FIND US YOU BITCH!" Tommy squealed. By now Y/n and Tubbo had rushed in to see what the problem both armed with whatever they could find which wasn't much.

"Calm down! I'm here because your dad sent me to keep you safe! He's gotten anxious and he sent me to help keep you safe until he's back...and he's promised to help train me!" Sapnap said as he held his hands up to show he was unarmed. Tommy glared as he backed up to see the other two.

"How can we trust you?" Tubbo said as he held up his stone sword.

"Well...oh- he had something to give you-" he said and he went to his horse, the three of them following as he got the package and offered it to them. Tubbo went to grab it but Tommy smacked his hand

"How do we know it's not some kind of bomb in a box?" He hissed as he picked up a sturdy looking stick.

"I don't know- what do you want me to do?" Sapnap sighed as he got a bit annoyed with them.

"Open it a bit?" Y/n shrugged as he held her iron axe a bit limply not accustomed to the weapon.

He sighed but complied and he opened it a bit letting them see no bomb in sight. Y/n gave Tommy her axe as she took the package thanking him softly as she opened it. A letter and some things he had grabbed while on his way to the castle. They seemed to calm as they saw it and skimmed over the letter that explained that Sapnap would be staying like he had already told them.

The Home I Know (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now