| chapter eleven.

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barbieopen your door

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open your door


open your fucking door

piss off corbyn i am writing

we're going on a walk
hurry up before i break your door down

did you not read my text

you're always writing
take a break

omg you're so clingy just like daniel
just because we are temporarily living in the same house
doesn't mean you can distract me from my work CORBYN

then why do i hear you getting up from your seat
read at 6:54pm
thank you for opening the door

look up and talk to me asshat


  CORBYN STIFLED A LAUGH AS he was met with Kennedy's blank face as he shoved his phone into his pocket and leant up against the doorway. "Stop writing for once, and go do some physical activity with me." The boy said as Kennedy crossed her arms over her chest glaring at the boy.

  "I'll let you know that I was a lacrosse player all throughout high school and college, thank you very much." The Hart girl remarked as Corbyn raised his eyebrows in shock, "You surprise me everyday Ken."

  "Don't get used to it." She laughed as she went and grabbed her teddy bear jacket, "It's not even cold." Corbyn stated as he was met with an eye roll, "I'm always cold you little bitch." Kennedy replied as she pushed him out of her doorway and down the stairs, the two bickering catching the attention of their 3 other housemates (who were all coincidentally sitting in the living room together).

  Eben and Kennedy caught each other's eyes, the boy holding the eye contact longer as Kennedy uncomfortably shifted her feet before whispering to Corbyn that she'd meet him outside —leaving the blonde boy staring at the girl's ex-boyfriend.

  "When'd you get back?"

  "About an hour ago."

  "No one wants you here."

  "Corbyn, not now."

  "Shut up Jonah."

  "You two are quite cosy now aren't you?" Eben questioned, his jealousy once again being broadcasted as both boys crossed their arms over — the stare-off intensifying. "If by cosy you mean being a good friend, then yes, that's exactly what I'm doing." Corbyn replied, as Eben rolled his eyes — even a blind person could see the growing potential between the two. Though, it seemed only Corbyn and Kennedy believed it was merely platonic.

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