Why do you seem so familiar?

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"Narrator POV"

It was normal peaceful morning as always. But, something was missing. Ah, of course how could we forget team natsu. Their were certainly powerful. Also, very friendly and kind. But it seems as if they went on a mission once more for Lucy's rent.

"Natsu's POV"

"Finally! We're here."  I sighed getting out of the train. Lucy following me then the rest.

"I can't believe how bad your motion sickness is." Lucy exclaimed, as she stretch.

"Anyways, we need to find the person who sent out this job." Erza explained while walking.

"Okay, but what are we supposed to do again?" I asked not knowing anything about the job.

"Nastu! You're the one who told us to come on the job with you! How could you forget?"  Yelled lucy, making hand movements.

''Luckily I looked at the job before we left. All we need to do is find these bandits. Apparently they keep stealing from the storage room." Erza said. "Gray, you've been awfully quiet." Erza faced gray.

"Gray's POV"

I didn't even hear the others calling me. I was so focused on the girl with pink hair or so the pinkette. I just stood there next to a building examing her features. They look so fimilar but I couldn't make it out who she look liked. I stopped looking at her until erza punch me.

"Gray? Are you alright?" Asked erza.

"I'm okay. I was just thinking about something ." I explained while crossing my arms, I noticed the pinkette was gone but for some odd reason I wanted to see her again.

"Who knew strippers could think." Natsu said while laughing and pointing at gray.

"Whatever, Natsu." I said, I wasn't in the mood to agrue with natsu.

Lucy and Ezra, were surprised I hadn't said anything else. After that we were slient.

"Ezra's POV"

We arrived at the shop and talked to the owner. He said that there was also another person that would help us catch the bandits. We all I understood and shook our heads in agreement.

"Excuse me, but who might be the name of the one will be working with?" I asked.

"Ah, yes. I almost to forget to say but she goes by (y/n), or at least I hear. She's quite powerful." Said the owner.

"Thank you." I said. When all of sudden the door opened, there came a girl with a black cloak. I couldn't make out her face but knew she had pink hair. She then took off the cloak, showing her features. She was beautiful, is all I could say.  I noticed gray looked very well suprised.

"Lucy's POV"

We all stared at the mage that walked in. When she took off her cloak she looked the same age as I did. She wore gold and black clothes and combat shoes that went up nearly her knees (just like the picture). I hadn't noticed the cat flying behind her until it spoke. It was a light teal color.

"(Y/n), why are they staring at us like that?" Said the cat. That was when I finally got a hold of reality.

"Oh, sorry. I'm lucy." I said and "your name is?" as I similed. 

"It's nice to meet you, lucy. I'm inori and this (y/n)." Said inori with smile.

I gave (y/n) my hand and instead of (y/n) shaking it inori shook it instead.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, lucy." (Y/n) said with a serious face. For some reason her feature are so familiar as I thought to myself.

Happy's POV

"(Y/n), would you like a fish?" I asked with huge simile. (Y/n) seems really kind, also she's really pretty.

"No." She replied, as if she was annoyed.

I frowned and started crying.

"Natsu, (y/n)-Chan hates me!" I whinned but natsu just stared at her suprised.

''Natsu's pov"

This girl has the same scent as me. She also nearly looks like me. I feel as though we are the same person. I can't make it out but I know for sure she has past with me that i don't know about.

"Natsuuuuuuu!" Happy said, "looks like somebody has crushhhhhhhhh!"

I blushed and said "no, I don't." I screamed. I don't understand this how does she look like me. Who is she. How do I feel like know her. All this question are just keep piling up on me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2015 ⏰

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