Origins #1

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Superheroes are everywhere. It was hard to not feel safe.

In a bank while it was getting robbed? Just wait it out before a guy in tights showed up.

Getting mugged? Don't even worry.

Someone jacked your car? You'll have it back by lunch.

There wasn't much for a bad guy to do these days. Definitely a far cry from all the dark days you always read about in history. No more alien invasions. No more crazy wizard attacks. No more villians trying to take over the world.

At least, as far as you knew.

There had been many heroes through the ages. Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Captain America. The first one.

But if there was one hero that everyone knew and that will forever live on, it was Spider-Man.

The webslinger had a rough beginning. He was always belittled by the news and always hunted down by the police. Eventually, he went on to join the Avengers and he slowly gained the support of the public.

It was easy to see why.

He could fight against Thanos, the Mad Titan, then return home and give a woman directions. He wasn't ever in it to save the world. He was in it to save as many people as he could.

He was a hero in every sense of the word.

And a lot of people idolized him.

And a lot of people loved him.

But that was before your time.

Before he was killed.

MJ: Y/N!

Your eyes shot open at your name being called. You sat up from your desk as the drool from your mouth stuck to your cheek which you quickly wiped away.

You fell asleep working on your radio again.

MJ: Y/N?! You awake?!

You quickly started putting your tools away as footsteps made their way down the hall. You barely got the last tool in the drawer when the door opened.

You turned around and leaned on the desk trying to act as casual as possible. You even had a forced smile.

Your mom walked into your room and looked at you with a raised brow.

Y/N: Hey, mom. What's up?

MJ: I just came to see if you were awake.

MJ: I just came to see if you were awake

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Y/N: Pssf. 'Course. Why wouldn't I be awake at....

You looked over at the clock.

Y/N: 7:45 AM in the mor-7:45?!

You realized what time it was and you suddenly began to panic. You had to get to school before you were late.


The New Spider-Man (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now