11- The Commandments

Start from the beginning

"Melascula, will you let me have that soul?" Galand asked.

HIS SOUL? That blue light was his soul? Sure he was immortal, but without a soul, there would be no Ban, just an empty body. I think Elaine caught onto this as well, she shot out an attack at the demons, but in her weakened state it proved to be merely a distraction. Elaine was yelling at Ban to run away, but he remained stationary without his soul in his body.

I shot up, I didn't have a plan, but I had to help.

"JULIE STOP!" Jericho yelled, trying to grab my arm and pull me back. I shook her hold and ran up to the metal man. I was horrified, but I had to do something.

I quickly picked up the nunchucks Ban had dropped and tried to hit Galand. He looked down at me and let out a hearty chuckle.

"You humans all think you're so strong." He hesitated a second, "You don't seem to fully human though... No matter." He shrugged and blasted me away. I stumbled back rolling several times, landing a couple hundred feet away from the scene. I hear Elaine scream and cry, I curse myself for being so weak.

I shakily stand up, I look at my scratch covered body and watch in mild amusement as they fade to nothing seconds later.

After recovering for a few seconds I rush back to see Jericho approaching the demons, I pray she has more success than I did. I don't know if Ban can be saved at this point, but I wanted to make sure Jericho got out of here safe. I shudder at the idea of Ban being gone after just reuniting with him. I know now that he is not infatuated with me as I am with him, but I couldn't stand to live without him. I stand next to Elaine trying to strategize our next move, but it seems pointless.

Right when I assume all hope is lost, I see Ban move, looking ready to fight. 

I'm not sure how he got out of this one, but I'm grateful nonetheless. 

"FOX HUNT!" Ban screams.

When the demons are distracted, he quickly turns grabbing Jericho's arm telling her to run. He then runs in our direction scooping Elaine into his arm and throwing me over his shoulder.

I gasp, not expecting to be put over his shoulder, a second ago I thought he was fucking dead.

He and Jericho run deep into the forest for several minutes, ending up in a narrow valley. He gently puts me and Elaine down. My cheeks flush and I curse myself for letting myself be affected by him.

Elaine starts crying, babbling about how worried she was, how she thought she'd never see him again. I roll my eyes while Jericho crosses her arms. 

Ban then explains to us how his soul was almost devoured but Zhivago rescued him, replacing Ban's soul with his own.

"Zhivago?" I ask sadly.

I remember Ban's practically dad. He was so kind to me the few times I met him. He used to tease me saying that Ban and I were going to get married, I remembering wishing that one day it would actually come true.

Ban nodded and I lowered my head, appreciating Zhivago's sacrifice.

He then collapsed.

"BAN!" All three of us said in unison. I glared at Elaine who laid weakly next to him and rushed to his side.

"Take Elaine and run," He told us.

"But what about you?" Jericho asked, clearly more concerned with helping Ban over the not dead Blondie.

"I'm immortal, I'll catch up later, I swear." 

I rolled my eyes at this pointless conversation. "Jericho you're stronger than me, you take Ban, I'll carry Elaine."

Yeah, I didn't want to help the girl who attacked us and stole Ban from me, but if that's what would make him happy, that's what I would do. 

We walked for ages, it was around dusk and both Jericho and I were exhausted. While Ban, the six foot man, was obviously far heavier than tiny midget Elaine, I had been in a fucking cage for ten years and had no muscle and negative endurance. 

Weak, weak, I was so fucking weak. It repeated in my head for hours.

"WATCH OUT!" Jericho screamed. I looked up and saw a giant boulder coming straight towards us. 


I dove off to the side trying not to hurt Elaine. I quickly recovered and checked to make sure Ban and Jericho were ok. 

"Those damn monsters are toying with us." I hear her mutter. 

Several more boulders come flying at us and we just narrowly avoid them. Jericho ends up taking one straight on and I can tell she is not well. We need to find shelter, immediately. 

The third boulder is what does us in for. It just barely hits us, and we all go flying off a cliff, fucking fantastic. 

"Imperial Wrath of the Zephyr!" Elaine shouts. A wind breaks our fall and I sigh a breath of relief.

I really did not expect to finally leave the Hell Basement to be chased down by demons while carrying my crush's girlfriend in my arms. I can't help but wonder, am I really better off here than I was with Othello?

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