first date

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first date <3

- finn wanting it to be special, yet laidback and fun, yet romantic

- settling with getting boba, going to record stores and walking around the city

- he picks you up

- playing your favorite music because he lets you be on aux

- long story short he follows your playlist now

- even opens the car door for you, so sweet awh

- he pays for your boba of course

- you both act like little kids in a candy shop when you enter a record store

- "y/n/n look they have ___!"

- "omg finn you have to get it!"

- he takes photos of you shopping bc "you looked cute"

- pays for the records you chose even though you insisted he didn't

- by the time you finish shopping & such it's dark and all the city lights are on

- alexa, play 'all of the lights' by kanye west

- holding hands and swinging your arms like a cheesy movie couple

- lots of selfies to send to the groupchat with enya, drew, josh etc.

- they feel like proud parents

- *drew crying* "look at our little munchkins, all grown up and about to suck each other's faces."

- on the way back to wherever finn parked you guys miss a turn oops

- #lostasf

- hey i mean more quality time together

- eventually finding the car, he opens the door for you again

- you fall asleep in the passenger seat and he takes more photos

- when he reaches your house he doesn't wanna wake you up

- *whispers* "hey, y/n you have to get up so you can sleep more comfortably, i think the seatbelt left a mark on your neck."

- hugs before you leave

- "i had a good night finn, i hope we can do it again."

- "i'll call you tomorrow, thank you for tonight, go get some sleep dummy."

finn wolfhard preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now