Chapter Two

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Right as Dan got into his room is when the rain started. At first it was a quiet patter of rain but after a minute or two it got heavier and heavier. Dan listened to the calming sounds of the rain as he got into his pyjamas and settled into bed. The peaceful noise began to make him feel drowsy and he started slowly lulling off to sleep.
Suddenly Dan was awoken by a bright flash of lightning followed but a loud clap of thunder. He let out a small whimper of fear and looked at the digital clock on his side table
12:37 it read
He sighed. It wasn't super late but he was tired and the storm was frightening him. He knew he had nothing to fear as a storm couldn't hurt him but he couldn't help being afraid. Dan wrapped a blanket around himself and then covered his duvet over his body like a small child protecting himself from something that offers no threat to him whatsoever. The storm continued outside and Dan remained shaking in his blanket fort. It made him feel childish. But everyone has fears. He wished he was with Phil right now. Phil always made him feel safe and protected.
I could go get Phil, he thought, but what would I say to him? 'Hey I'm scared of a stupid storm can I sleep with you?'??? No. I should just stay here and deal with it myself.
Dan mentally debated with himself about this for a while before deciding what he should do.

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