11. When All is Lost

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It was the end of the year. His sister and his best friend were dead. Harry was raging, upset, and broken. He snapped the last clip on his trunk closed, and then walked out to the courtyard, for one last goodbye to his school... Forever. He started walking down the dirt path to the Hogwarts Express... Alone. A group of Hufflepuff girls stopped him in his tracks and started flirting with him. Maybe it was just because of annoyance, or pure grief that Harry pushed all of them away and ran to the train. He boarded first, sprinted to the very last cart, found the most quiet and private compartment that there was, and locked it. He sat on the seat and looked out the window. Every memory he had ever shared with Hermione and Ron were clouding his mind. Saving Hermione from the giant troll, Ron sacrificing himself for the Philosopher's Stone. He remembered getting trapped in the chamber of secrets with Ron, he remembered Hermione's face, when she layed in the infirmary, petrified. He remembered walking into the shrieking shack with Ron and Hermione, and Hermione sacrificing her and Ron if Sirius wanted to kill him. He remembered being at the graveyard, fighting Voldemort, all alone. He remembered Sirius dying (or, that's what he thought). He remembered Hermione warning him about going into Umbridge's office. He remembered injuring Malfoy with Snape's curses with Hermione and Ron. He thought of Hermione being tortured by Bellatrix. He thought of Ron fighting her. He thought of Hermione kicking Malfoy in the face. (That made him smile very widely) but then he thought of Hermione and Ron's faces as they were murdered. He arrived at King's Cross at about 6:00 P.M., and was greeted by a fakely smiling Sirius, and a still crying Lilly. Harry could tell that she was trying to make his return happy, but she was too upset to do it. When they arrived at Godric's Hollow, Harry had dinner, and went straight to bed. He dreamed of seeing Hermione and Ron in the two beds beside him. Though he knew that Voldemort and his followers were dead, there were still some death eaters running around, that didn't come to the battle. There was still evil in the world, and many hard days to await. The darkside will never be truly gone from the world.

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