Movie Sonic vs Movie Quicksilver (Paramount Pictures vs 20th Century Fox)

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Wiz: We've had many speedsters over the course of cinema, and today we plan on pitting two of the greatest in a fight.

Boomstick: Sonic the Hedgehog from the 2020 film.

Wiz: And Quicksilver from the X-Men movies. It should be noted that we're sticking to their movie counterparts for this battle. That means no MCU, video games, comics or other source of media will be featured. 

Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick!

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle!


Wiz: Green Hills. A simple and humble town with equally simple and humble people. A nice and quiet, albeit uneventful place to call home.

Boomstick: Uneventful is right! With how dull everything is, you'd wonder why they have a police department to begin with. But Green Hills wouldn't be this dull for long as they would soon encounter a blue fast and hyperactive ball of energy, all within an extremely handsome package. Sonic the Hedgehog!

-Name: Sonic

-Species: Hedgehog 

-Age: 13-14

-Likes: Green Hills, Chili Dogs, Star Wars, Fast and Furious, comic books, baseball

-Nicknamed the "Blue Devil"

-Official resident of Green Hills

Boomstick: Sonic used to be an adorable little hog living in an alternate world, running across the island he called home. He was raised by an anthropomorphic owl named Longclaw, who was essentially like his Obi Wan Kenobi. Just look at him! That little guy can give Baby Yoda a run for his money in the cuteness department!

Wiz: Longclaw raised Sonic like her own son, and cared for him like so as well. She feared for Sonic's safety, as his speed would attract all sorts of trouble, and constantly warned him of the danger his powers might bring. 

Boomstick: Unfortunately for her, Sonic was never one to listen to what others told him, which would end up biting them both in the ass.

Wiz: During a run across the island, he was spotted and tracked by a tribe of echidnas, which lead to him and Longclaw getting ambushed, causing her to get mortally wounded. In her final moments, Longclaw gave Sonic a bag of rings to travel through dimensions and gave him one last word of advice before sacrificing herself to ensure Sonic's escape. These words of advice, as well as this moment, would be forever carved into Sonic's young mind: Never stop running.

Boomstick: Damn...that's kind of fucked up. This Sonic might just have the saddest backstory of them all, even when compared to his Archie counterpart. At least that one had his parents. Anyway, after getting hit with that Uncle Ben treatment, Sonic took Longclaw's words to heart and went from dimension to dimension, eventually finding his way to our own Earth.

Wiz: Whilst there, Sonic watched over the people of Green Hill from a distance...for the most part, and did his absolute best to stay hidden. Which wasn't very least until he actually got caught, tranquilized, and lost his rings. From there, he and Tom Wachowski had to drive all the way to San Francisco to get them back, buddy cop movie style.

Powers and Equipment:

-Super Speed

-Fast Perception 

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