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John felt dirty. He laid sweaty beside a sleeping Lizzie. Regret pulsed through his veins and he wanted nothing more but to sink through the ground and never come back. He got out from the bed to get dressed. He didn't even bother to look back at the sleeping frame of Lizzie. Guilt building up as he walked out the door. The only reason he didn't want to leave was because his sweet wife was at home waiting for him, with his kids.

With heavy shoes filled with regret he walked down the street towards his home. He lit a cigar as he walked, trying to find some sort of relief yet nothing worked. It was late, the streets empty and moon was the only thing that illuminated the streets and the few streetlights that worked.

He hesitated to walk upp the stairs. Seeing a small candle being lit inside and another wave of guilt crashed over him. With a deep breath he walked up the stairs and opened the door quietly. It was silent, an eerie feel to the home as he stepped towards the candle in the living room. There on the couch laid his wife, in a deep slumber. The guilt almost made it impossible to breath. John's breath heavy as he saw how the candle illuminated her skin. He removed his coat and cap, throwing it on the armchair as a soft groan slipped past her lips.

"John?" Y/N's soft voice spoke before she opened her eyes.

"It's me baby, sorry I'm late," He said, voice almost breaking.

"Where were you? I though you would be home for dinner," She said after rubbing her eyes and letting out a yawn. "I have a plate for you in the kitchen if you're hungry," She continued.

"I-I" He tried.

"It's your favorite," John's heart broke. "I can throw it into the oven if you're hungry before bed," She said and got onto her feet. John shook his head and stopped before her. He took her hands in his large ones.

"It's fine- or it's not fine." John began and Y/N frowned. Standing closer to him she could feel an other odor that lingered on his body and clothes. She recognized it however she couldn't remember where. Y/N's eyes travelled down over his body, stopping by his neck and eyes widen slightly as she could see a darker spot, it wasn't a full blown dark hickey yet something had been there and it wasn't her. She took a step back and she could feel John take a slightly firmer grip on her hands.

"What have you done?" Y/N asked, nose almost scrunching up in disgust and eyes started to fill themselves with tears.

"It's n-" John tried.

"What have you done?!" Y/N raised her voice, heart beating quickly in her chest as she pulled away yet John was quick to react and held her firmly.

"I'm sorry," He said and Y/N scoffed and instead of pulling away she pushed forward, pushing him back.

"Who is she?!" Y/N was now screaming. Her breath was quick and a tear slipped down her cheek and as John went to wipe it away she slapped his hand away. "Answer me you fucking idiot!" She added, forgetting about the sleeping children upstairs.

"Lizzie.." John answered, looking at the ground in pure shame. Y/N pushed him back, making him stumble slightly.

"You're telling me that you and the woman you have oh so many times insisted that you have zero feelings towards anymore been fucking behind my back!" Y/N said, voice filled with anger and as he took a step forward she backed away. Disgust was lingering on her once soft features. He saw her red eyes. "Is this my thanks for woking my ass of for your fucking family, taking care of your children, dreaming about having my own children with you, buying a house with you, practically giving myself to you whenever you pleases? It this what I get for being your fucking faithful and loyal wife?! Fucking look at me you scum." She continued she was almost out of breath for speaking fast and loud. John couldn't look at her.

"You can't even look at me you sorry and disgusting piece-"

"Mommy?" A sigh left Y/N's lips as John's second youngest son softly voice spoke from the stairs. "Daddy?" He continued, holding his teddybear by his chest as he rubbed his tired eyes.

"Go up to bed and I'll be up-"

"Why are you crying mommy?" He asked and Y/N quickly wiped her tears.

"I'm not baby, listen to your father and go back to bed. It's late," Y/N said as she pushed a smile for the young boy. When he was gone Y/N sucked in a breath before walking towards the door. John's eyes widen as he followed her.

"Where are you going?" He asked and tears started to well up in his eyes.

"Non of your business," She said as she got her coat on.

"You can't be out alone at this hour," John said as he started to worry. Blinking away the tears.

"What's killing me inside here isn't nearly as painful as what could happen to me out there," Was all she said before slamming the door close. John let out a soft cry as his eyes was glued to the door. His chest clenched painfully and a shaky breath left his lips.

Y/N walked down the street, towards Polly and Michaels home. She banged on the door and a tired Michael soon opened with Polly standing not far behind. Both of them frowned and filled with worry as they saw Y/N broken face.

"Y/N what happened? Are you hurt?" Polly asked as Michael closed the door behind her.

"Can I sleep here tonight?" Y/N asked, breath shaky.

"Of course you can dear!" Polly said. "What did John do?" She said and voice filled with suspicion.

"Lizzie." Y/N swallowed. "He did Lizzie." She continued voice not louder than a whisper.

"I'll kill him." Michael said as his fists clenched together. Polly pulled her into her embrace.

"Ah dear, I'm so sorry." Polly said and hugged her close as she felt the young woman cry into her shoulder.

"Does he know?" Michael asked after a while. "About the baby?" He continued as Y/N pulled away.

"No, and right now I'm happy he doesn't" She mumbled.

"He is the father dear, a complete and utterly stupid one, but he is." Poll said and Y/N knew she was right.

"I don't want him to know," Y/N said and her eyes moved to the ground. "B-Because I don't know if I want to keep it anymore but if I am I don't want him anywhere near it,"

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