Lily disappeared behind some vehicles. Sam looked to Jessi and saw a small scowl, although after her talk with Lily, she didn't seem pleased by the look.

"What did she want?" Jessi asked in a stern but soft voice. Sam crossed her arms over her chest.

"She just wanted to talk, she waited till you left to talk."

"Whatever she had to say she could've said in front of me."

"She apologized." That reply surprised Jessi a bit. Lily apologizing...why now?

"Apologize? She waited this long? Why now?"

"She didn't look like the same girl that attacked me....she was..shy, and meek."

"That doesn't sound like the Lily I know."

"From the few minutes we spent talking, she deeply regrets what she did."

"But why did she have to wait for me to leave?"

"She told me how she felt about you....she was too embarrassed I think."

"Well, I hope she doesn't try anything again when I'm away."

"She didn't try anything Jessi, and I can take care of myself."

"Remembered what happened last time you felt that way around her?"

"Jessi, she's practically a shell of what she used to be. Half the time we were talking she couldn't look me in the eye....I think you need to reconsider cutting her out of your life."


"You need to help her."

"Me? What about we? Or you, you're the guru when it comes to this stuff."

"She knows she'll never have the chance to have you as a lover, so she'd rather have a legit chance at being your friend. She wants to reconnect Jessi, I could tell."

"Why should I give her a second chance?"

"I gave you one didn't I?" Jessi couldn't very well argue that logic. She had been bullying Sam for years, and in a three week span that all changed for them.

"Well at least I never assaulted you."

"And blackmail is any better?" In an instant Jessi's expression lightly changes to one of hurt, making Sam's face soften, regretting her words. "That was uncalled for, I'm sorry."

"'re right...what she did doesn't make what I did any less horrible or fucked up. There's nothing I could do to express how deeply sorry I am for those years." Jessi walks forward a bit and pulls Sam into a hug, Sam hugging back. "I want to move on from that though, I don't want to see you in pain anymore...I guess when I saw Lily, it brought me back to that hallway, and I hated it, because for a few seconds I just watched it happen, I was frozen, shocked."

"Don't blame yourself for that, neither of us knew she was going to do that. But you know what?" Sam tilts her head up to look at Jessi.


"She's sorry. Just like you were...she's sorry." They stay embraced, Sam waits for Jessi to respond, seeing her trying to find the words.

"I'll talk to her...but not tonight. Tonight, we're gonna sit over by that treeline, and we're going to get on our phones, and judge Kardashian asses."

"Ew, no." Sam grimaces a little, Jessi laughing at her response. Jessi pulls away from the hug, but taking Sam's hand in hers, as she leads them to the treeline where no one seems to be, the perfect place to be alone. They get a stare or two as they walk along. Every town has at least a few homophobic people. Even though they weren't a couple, what they looked to be was something at least a few people didn't agree with.

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