Part 1 'A Normal day"

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Aaron POV:

It was a normal day I woke up around 8 AM in the morning. I go downstairs and get myself a cup of coffee. a few minutes later Tori walks down the stairs

Tori: morning Aaron

Aaron: morning

After Tori made breakfast I hear someone running down the stairs. As I guessed it was Matt


He yelled while stretching his arms and legs here's the total option than me in the morning he's hyper while I'm half asleep barely can get downstairs

Tori: morning Matt

Matt: morning Tori and Aaron

Aaron: morning

After were finish our breakfast Ryan walk downstairs

Tori: look who's up

Matt: Hi Ryan

Ryan: hi guys

Aaron: hey

Aaron POV:

He may be the one that sleeps the most of all 4 of us

I decided to go out for a bit. I get my hoodie and wear my shoes and before I leave I tell the others that I'm going out. A bit later I was walking around the city it was pretty empty no cars no people it feels like a ghost town. Then out of nowhere something appeared right in front of me it looks like a porter. I got closer and it starts sucking me in I try to back away but It didn't work I got sucked into the portal. And then everything went black

To be continued...

So this is my first time ever writing a story so this might have a few mistakes

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