C h a p t e r E l e v e n

Start from the beginning

Poppy lets go of Rae’s hand and runs ahead into the kitchen as Rae starts playing with the hem of her t-shirt. There’s a fear lingering in her head that maybe this nice guy act was just until he got her acceptance. Maybe now in the morning light he’ll decide she doesn’t need to come with to the Alpha’s house or choose how to continue this mating.

A larger part of her knows that that isn’t what’ll happen but she can’t help that held long fear in her heart. She doesn’t want it to be an act or a way for him to just sweeten her up before showing his real personality. With all these doubts swirling in her head she doesn’t hear anyone approaching her until a warm hand lands on her shoulder. Letting out a squeak she jumps nearly out of her skin.

“Calm down!” Jace chuckles with his hands up in surrender. “I didn’t mean to scare you but I did assume you were going to hear me. You are the one with the heightened senses.”

Unsurprisingly Jace is shirtless with nothing more than plaid pants on. His red shaggy hair is a mess on the top of his head as he grins at her. He looks a bit tired and she doesn’t need to guess why. Underage or not the kids always drink at the equinox parties and Jace now being sixteen is no different.

Giving him a quick dry look she runs a hand down her face with a groan, “Sorry, I was deep in thought.”

“I could see that. What about?”

“Do it again!” Cassidy shrieks from the kitchen making both of them turn towards the room.

Jace frowns at the kitchen door, “Who is she in there with?”


“Your mate Colton?” Jace asks in surprise.

Rae nods while chewing her lower lip. “Apparently Cassidy blackmailed him into making her breakfast.”

“Ow. I feel so replaced.”

Rae smiles at her brother’s wounded look. “Don’t worry you’ll always be her favorite chef.”

“Until she finds a mate.”

“Even then I’m sure she’ll always ask you to make her grilled cheese. Apparently no one else makes it like you do.”

Jace snorts, “Damn right no one else does. So how did it go last night?”

“Good.” She admits with a goofy smile. “He’s really nice.”

“Does he know about our situation.”

“Of course. Its not like I can hide you guys from him besides I wouldn’t want to. He’s going to be part of this family too, Jace. I want him to love you guys as much as I do.”

Jace makes a face, “Don’t you think that’s a little much to ask from him?”

“I’m not asking him to love you guys. I’m just hoping. Can’t I just be optimistic?”

“Sure you can.” Jace nods. “I just don’t think it’s healthy.”

Rolling her eyes Rae decides to change the subject, “Did Cleo get back okay?”

“Back in one piece but she’ll be feeling like hell today.” Jace says with a overly pleased expression. “She was pushing the limit with me last night, Rae. I can’t imagine how pissed you must be at her.”

“I’m not really.” Rae says quietly.

“What? How are you not pissed as hell at her?”

“She’s having a hard time, Jace. I can’t just—“

“She’s having a hard time?” He repeats like the words are dirty. “News flash Rae, We’re all having a hard time! None of us are okay and guess what, we’re never going to be okay but that doesn’t give her a pass to act the way she does.”

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