"What's with you?" I raised an eyebrow.

She jumped up from the bed, pulling the clip of her hair and danced around with a huge grin on her face. 

"Everyone is behaving like they are high." I laughed.

"Guess what?!" She ran over to me and jumped onto my lap, earning a light groan from me. "I was on the call with the head of the charity and..." Her cheeks were pink, her eyes sparkling and the smile on her face reflected true delight. "Apparently, my latest project resulted in a massive donation, resulting us in finally forming a healthcare package that will seriously benefit the less privileged people that are unable to access neurological treatment. The package was just approved by the government of Pakistan today, and will be operating nationwide.  The boss has therefore decided to promote me to the Director post for the charity headquarters in Lahore." 

"Ma Sha Allah!" I wrapped my arms around her waist. "That's brilliant, Zo! I'm so bloody proud of you!" 

"I'm happier about the package, Ahad. The thought of someone receiving a much needed medical treatment because of my package makes me want to scream and shout happily." Tears filled her eyes. "If even one person's life is saved because of this package, I would feel like I have completely my life goal." 

"In Sha Allah." I looked up at her, filled with pride. "You'll see, Zoya Ahad Sheikh. Your intentions are pure and beautiful. Allah will help you in this. You will achieve this goal, I just know it." 

"I lost Mamma, but I found a pure purpose because of her." She pursed her lips as more tears spilled from her eyes. "I just wish that she was around to see this."

"Just know that she'll be very proud of you. Not just for this amazing achievement, but because of the person that you are, Zo." 

She got off my lap. "I need to go and get some mithai for the family. I'm so excited!" 

I stood up. "We have plenty of time for that." I grabbed her wrist and pulled her closer, staring down into her beautiful almond eyes.

"Ahad, it's the middle of the day. I know that look." She narrowed her eyes. 

"I feel like showing you how proud I am of you, Mrs Zoya Ahad Sheikh." I walked over to the bedroom door and locked it. 

I turned to face her. As she had been on a conference call, her shirt was a professional light blue blouse, underneath which she wore her grey pyjama trousers. Her hair was now tossed around her shoulders, the natural curls cascading down her back. 

Zoya is one of those people who look innocent, like a typical girl-next-door, but if someone messes with her or someone she loved, she could literally beat the s**t out of them. I'd given her basic training in the art of self-defence, and she could throw a punch that made me proud. 


I began to slowly walk towards her with a crooked, cheeky smile on my face.

"I don't need proof! Just tell me verbally!" She backed away.

"Oh, I'd definitely be using my mouth to express my pride." I winked at her.

Her eyes widened. "Shameless!"

I pressed her against the wall by the window. "I have no shame when it comes to my wife." I leaned down and gently bit her earlobe.

"Ahad!" She put her hands against my chest, as if to push me back, but didn't. Instead, she left her hands there and stared up into my eyes. 

I clasped my hands with hers and she continued staring into my eyes, confidently. Her level of confidence always turned me on even more. I rested my forehead against hers, closing my eyes. Her alluring scent entered my nose, driving me to the edge of sanity. 

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