Taehyung's heart broke while listening to the sad confession of the girl he truly love.  He didn't know about that story of her with her parents. Heck he even thought that she came from a happy family because she's a walking ray of sunshine and she's always giving off positive vibes. She's always smiling and very bubbly that's why he never thought she has that sad story.

"My mom, she's very strict. She always wants me to be good in everything. She hates it when I commit mistakes and every time I do something wrong, she always punished me. Her words are like a sharp knife, leaving wounds and scars to me. She never consider my emotions, all she wanted is for me to follow her"

Taehyung clenched his fist. Damn it! Mother's supposed to give love to they're child. Among everyone, they must be the ones to protect their child from harsh words coming from other people, not to be the one to said those hurtful words.

How could her mother do that to her?

"And my Dad, he's very controlling. He's very scary. He's cold and serious. Whenever he's around, I felt like I was caged. Because I can't moved freely, I'm afraid I might do something wrong that would make him to be mad at me. He controls my life, he and my mom. They are the ones to decide for me, everything about me, from the clothes I must wear to the personality I must possess, to the set of people I must befriend and to the kind of person I must avoid. They controlled the way I act infront of public, and even in all the decisions in my life, they're the one to make the choices. So would you blame me if I asked for a escape Taehyung?"

He was taken a back for a bit when she suddenly asked him that.

"W-What do you mean?", he asked unknowingly

"I wished for  a escape Tae, I asked for a escape. I asked them for my freedom, I begged for it. It's because I'm tired. I'm tired of the controlling, I'm tired of everything!", she paused for a moment. "That's why when they told me to migrate to Canada with them, I refused. And they allow me to stay but with conditions".

Taehyung blinked. He's starting to process all the ideas. He's finally connecting the dots little by little.

"Those effin conditions Tae are the very reason as to why I can't love you. If only I knew, if only i knew that those conditions would hinders and stop me from loving you, I shouldn't have accepted it! Damn, if only I knew"

Jisoo burst into tears again.

Taehyung couldn't hold it anymore, he couldn't stand  seeing her in that vulnerable state of her, and so he pulled her into a tight hug.

Jisoo cried even more, she hugged him back.

She started mumbling series of sorry's while crying her heart out. Taehyung brushed his fingers through her silky hair, kissing the top of her head from time to time while shushing her and calming her down.

"Love, it's okay, stop saying sorry", he mumbled while hugging her tighter.

He was afraid to let go of the hug. He felt like once he pulled off, she'll stay away from him again and he wouldn't reach her again.

Jisoo doesn't want to let go of the hug either. She's enjoying the comfort of his hug, it calms her, it makes her feel safe.

Minutes passed and Jisoo finally calmed down. She already told him about the conditions her parents gave her, specially the last one.

"So the last condition they gave you was you must marry someone they set up for you?"

Jisoo bit her lower lip and nod her head, trying to stop the tears that are threatening to form in her eyes again.

Taehyung looked at her and their eyes met.

For a second, they remained staring at each other, both lost in the eyes of each other— until Taehyung gave her a smile, a sincere one.

"I won't let you", he told her.

Jisoo creased her forehead. Gone was the sadness, it was replaced with confusion.


"I won't let you Jisoo, I won't let you to marry another man"

Taehyung reached for her right hand. She just looked at what he's doing and gulped when he interlocked their fingers.

Her heart was beating so loud and fast.


"Sshh", he hushed her.

He pulled her closer to him and made her head rest on his chest.

Jisoo was shocked at first but immediately enjoyed the comfort he's giving.

"Say Jisoo, do you trust me?"

"W-Why are you asking that?"

"Just answer me Chu, do you trust me?"

"Who are you? Aladdin? Are we going to sing 'A Whole New World'?"

"C'mon love, just answer me", he told her again. "Do you trust me?"

Jisoo smiled and leaned closer to his chest.

"I do Taehyung, I do trust you"

Now it's Taehyung's turn to smile.

"That's it, that's the answer I'm waiting, ahh hold on, there's another one", he said. "Kim Jisoo, do you love me?"

Though confused and flustered at the same time with his sudden question, Jisoo managed to nod her head.

"I do Taehyung, I love you so, so much", she said and then buried her face on his chest, being shy with her answer.

Taehyung chuckled and kissed the top of her head.

"I love you more Kim Jisoo, I love you the most", he said. "So no need to be afraid baby, because we'll fight for our love. Starting from now on, you're not alone, I'll stay with you forever, and even all odds are against us, we'll continue fighting for us, for our love"

Jisoo was moved by his words. She's tearing up again, but this time, it was because of too much happiness.

"I love you Taehyung", was all she could say while sobbing

Taehyung chuckled and kissed her forehead.

"I love you too Jisoo", he said while smiling. "Always remember that I won't mind running away as long as it's your hands that I am holding"

[revising!] 𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲! | k.th • k.jsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt