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So I decided to go catch some Z's... I went to my room and plopped myself on the bed. I didn't even bother to cover myself with the sheets...

My eyes started getting droopy, as I was about to shut 'em. I heard shuffling coming from my window. I groaned & opened the window thinking that it was Molly, Mrs Williams' cat...

What!? She does visit me every once in a while or everyday... So I opened the window & went back to my comfy bed & shut my eyes... I could use some fresh air too.

But instead of hearing Molly's meowing, I heard heavy footsteps. I jolted out of bed, readying myself to attack with a weapon that was closest to me...

"A pillow? Come on Princess. U can do better than that!. "
I recognized the voice as Fury's, plus no one around here calls me princess, other than him...

"Whatever... What are you doing here at this time of the night?"

"To see u..."


He shrugged...

" Okay? U've seen me, now leave. I'm sleepy! "
I said ushering him towards my window. Then turned and walked towards my bed, but before I could plop myself on the bed, for the third time, He grabbed me by the waist...

I groaned...

"I wanna sleep Fury..."
I whined... He still held my waist, so my eyes decided to shut 'emselves...


I woke up to the sound of my alarm, but I didn't even bother switching it off, as I groaned & snuggled into my warm hard but soft... pillow?

"U know we have to go to school, right? "
I opened my eyes to only be met with a tattooed chest...

Then I remembered yesterday night's events...

"How did you know where I live?"

"I didn't trust Mason so I followed y'all..."
He shrugged getting up & walking towards my bathroom...

After a few minutes he came back to the room...

"Come, let's get cleaned up and head to school."

"By let's, u mean us?"
I asked eying him, up & down...

" Yes. We're taking a shower, to-ge-ther!"
He gritted, towards the end....

" I don't even know you Fury!"

" That's what you think..."


"Don't worry about that princess, it's already 6:30... So let's go get ready."

" No."
I said frowning with my hands on my waist...

" Okay."
He walked towards my bed & as he was about to pick me up, I quickly took my big pillow and hit him with it...

I ran towards the door, as I was about to open it... He held onto my waist.

"U're pushing me to punish u."
He threw me over his shoulder....

"Fury! Put me the fuck down!"
I said, hitting his back with my fists...

"Ur punishment is going to be harsher if u swear or keep on being a bad girl."

" As if!"
I scoffed.

He placed me on top of the toilet seat, took off my clothes and stripped out of his, then picked me up bridal style.

I covered my body, well I tried... Why? I only got two hands. So I crossed them over my body to cover my tits, my cunt & my tummy?

"Don't hide urself from me princess..."
He said placing my legs on the tiled surface of the shower. I felt the water trickle down my back and it felt like heaven...

I closed my eyes, but still covering my body with my head directed to the floor...

"U're beautiful and perfect princess..."
He said removing my hands from my body & placing them on his bare chest. With one hand wrapped around my waist & pressing my body against his, and the other, lifting my chin to look him in the eyes...

"U are perfect, just the way u are... U're the most gorgeous, sexy, beautiful and unimaginably perfect... Don't u ever doubt urself cause no girl in this world compares to u babygirl."
He said pressing his lips against mine...

At first I was shocked, but then I gradually got used to the kiss & our lips moved in sync. No tongues, just pure lip sucking & passion...

He stopped the kiss and started washing me, from head to toe... When he was done with me, he washed himself, whilst I admired his toned muscular body...

"Are u checking me out?"

I looked away and blushed...

No blue button this time...

" My innocent princess has turned bad..."
He exaggerated, placing the back of his hand on his forehead.

" Whaaaat?"
I said, giggling...

"Just because someone looks innocent, it doesn't necessarily mean u're innocent."
I winked at him as I got out of the shower, wrapping myself with a navy blue towel...

"Go get dressed princess... I don't want u getting even worse."

I rolled my eyes and walked out of the bathroom, into my closet & picked a grey hoodie, my fav tee, that had the words I don't give a shit but bless ur abyss of a soul😉,printed on the back & lastly,my grey sweatpants and my black short boot platforms.

(A/N: I'm obsessed with platforms!!!)


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