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Evan's POV

Today's my first day at my new school... Yay? I guess. I hate schooool... Anywho, this be my senior year,now that's gooooooood news!

I was walking towards the admin, but..... I tripped on my own feet and fell face first on the floor... And luckily, no one else was around. Phew! Just kidding...

Everyone laughed at poor clumsy me. I hate school. I stood up and dusted meself of the non-existent dust on my body, yeah... The floor is squeaky clean unlike my previous school's...

"I'm so clumsy."
I mumbled to myself...

"Yeah u are... But it's cute."
A very deep voice said from behind me. I turned around,only to face the most handsome, gorgeous and beautiful dude I've never seen...He had bright blue hair, beautiful silver-grey eyes, high cheek bones like moa, pinkish brown lips and a very sharply-defined jaw... His body, dayum! It was one to die for.

And obviously, my cheeks burnt up...

Alert!Alert! She's blushing! System override!

What should we do commander!?

Sassy come back! Hit the sassy come back button!

Which one is it Commander!?

The blue one! The blue one u dimwitted sponge!


That's what's literally happening right now, in my head...

"I didn't ask u, did I?"
I sassed & continued to walk towards the admin.

When I finally arrived there...

"Good morning ma'am? My name's Evan Evans and I'm here for my schedule."
I said feeling nervous but still put on my calm facade...

"Oh hi. Here u go... Have a wonderful year."
She said smiling genuinely...

"Thank you ma'am."
I returned her smile and walked towards locker 78... Well, let's just say I kinda got lost...
And.... I bumped into a wall,yep! Typical me & my klutziness...

"I hate walls & school... A wall in the middle of a hall way? Is that even possible?"
I murmured whilst rubbing my forehead...

"I'm not a wall princess."
I looked up and squeaked... I tried to walk away but his hand wrapped around my wrist...

"Where u going princess?"

"To class? Can't u see."
I said showing him my schedule... I wriggled my wrist from his hand & when he let go, I decided to head to class. I'll come back & put my other books in the locker after my first period...

"U're lost, aren't you princess?"

"Uh... No...I am not!?"
I defended myself... And he furrowed his brow,with hands shoved into his black almost faded jeans...

"Okay fine! I am completely lost & I'm gonna be late for class on my fudging first day! I hate schooool!"
I said whining...

"Calm down, I'm going to the same class..."

"Oh thank you God..."
I looked up at the roof of the school... And blew a kiss...

"That was weird & cute..."
Yeah,that's that word again... Boop! the blue button...

"Whatevs dude. Let's go to class..."
I said dragging him to God knows where...

"Uh princess? We're going the wrong way."
I groaned...

"Then lead the way homeboy."
He led us to the right path after the warning stare he gave me. And to tell the truth, It sent chills down my spine...


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