Chapter 2

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*20th Ward : Anteiku : 2 Days After Chapter 1 : Oreki's POV

I finished my entrance exam a day ago to a school called 'Kiyoma Junior High'. Coincidentally, Touka goes yo school there as well. I decided to lay low for a while in my room reading a book by Takatsuki Sen. I looked up to the corner of my ceiling to see a small TV.'I didnt know they placed a TV in my room.'I thought to myself as i kept on staring at the TV.'Guess i'll turn it on and see whats on the news.'

:The News:

"Early this Morning, several unidentified male bodies were discovered in the Aqua Building, a commercial facility in the 20th Ward."The Brodcast said."The saliva retrieved from the bodies is believed to belong to Ghouls."The Brodcast said."The incident is currently being investigated as a Ghoul crime."

:End of the News:

I shook my head as i turned off the TV. I got on my bed and lied down for a bit and looked at my wall.'Guess Anteiku's the only place where non rampaging Ghouls exist.'I thought to myself as i got up from my bed and went down stairs.

*Downstairs : Oreki's POV*

I went downstairs to get a cup of coffee."Oreki?"Koma-san called with a confused look."My my, this is new."He said with a smile."What coffee do you want from the Devil Ape?"He asked me with a smile as he rubbed my head."I'll have the Cappucino."I told him as i read a book on the counter."One Cappucino, comin right up."He said with a smile as he started making the coffee.

As i was reading, i heard 2 college students talking about a girl. I accidentally overheard them but i didnt really care about their conversation so i continued reading. As i read, i suddenly sensed a really strong Ghoul. I looked to the door to see a girl with purple hair that has bangs swept on the left side. She was walking to an empty table and ordered coffee from Touka.

'That girl....who in the hell is she?'I thought to myself as i kept on staring at her. I noticed Touka glaring at her with an annoyed demeanour. I didnt know why but i felt that something heated mustve been going on with Touka and this purple haired girl. I decided to turn my head back to my book and continued reading it. I finished my coffee as i kept on reading.

I noticed Touka approaching me and sat next to me."Oreki-kun."She whispered in my ear."Ignore the Purple Haired girl, shes bad news."She told me as she got up and continued working at the shop.'Eh? What was that about?'I thought to myself with a confused look as i read my book.'Bad news? What the hell has she done?'I thought to myself getting even more suspicious of her.

*Oreki's Room : Oreki's POV*

I was sitting on my desk as i kept on thinking about that purple haired girl. From her scent, i could feel that shes powerful but what i was really thinking about was why Touka hated her so much. She seems like a nice girl up close, sow why does she hate her? That question is the only question i'm curious of....'I cant ask Touka directly, shes gonna feel uneasy and uncomfortable if i ask her that....but i need to know why....'

I suddenly heard a knock coming from my door."Oreki-kun? Its me Touka."She said with a soft tone."Can i come in?"She asked me with a soft tone."Sure."I told her with a bright smile. She opened the door and entered my room and noticed me sitting on my desk."So, what is it that you wanna talk about?"I asked her with a confused look."Well....Koma-san said that you seemed a little weird today."She said with a smile."I was just wondering maybe you could talk to me about it?"She asked as she scratched her cheek.'This works.'I thought to myself with a small smile."Actually, i've been meaning to ask you today..."I told her with a bright smile."Ask away"She said with a smile."That purple haired girl that came in today, who is she?"I asked her with a curious look."E-Eh?"She asked me with a confused look."You know, the one with the glasses?"I asked her with a curious look."Oh! You mean Rize-san?"She asked me with a smile."Rize-san?"I asked her with a confused look."Shes a Ghoul just like us."She said with a smile."Is she though?"I asked her with a confused look."Cause when she came in, i could tell shes no ordinary Ghoul....she seemed pretty strong but also pretty bloodthirsty.."I told her with a frown."But what i was really wondering is....did she do something to you?"I asked her with a concerned look."No."She said with a confused look."Why do you think that?"She asked me witha  confused look.

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