Chapter three part three

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There's still one thing I don't quite understand though, why is he helping me?

> What about you?

Joe's eyes sparkle mischievously. He saw it coming but doesn't take the bait.

Joe > Well babe, I'm just going to keep making songs that make you vibrate...

His gaze lingers on me, both gentle and seductive. His eyes are so beautiful that I could stay here for hours, just staring into them. Why, Joe? Why are you so nice to me, huh? Is it because of Matt? Or is it something else?

> Joe...

Joe > It's getting late, bella... Sleep tight.

OK. Dodge number two. Then again, I think he helped me enough for one evening. I willingly let it go... for now.

> Thanks for the ride home. Good night.

I close the door and just stand there a moment, watching him drive off. We wave to each other through the window before he starts the engine up and drives away.

When I open the apartment door, Cacao jumps on me as if he hadn't seen me in decades. Poor thing, I'm neglecting him at the moment! I quickly put my things down on the couch and kneel down next to him to pet him.

> How about it, boy? You think I forgot about you, don't you? Yes, I am a horrid mistress.

He starts running and jumping about the living room like a wacko. The little chap wants to go for a walk!

> It's OK, I get it. I'll just change, and we'll go walkies!

I rush to my room to change into a pair of sweat pants. Once I'm ready, we leave the apartment and head to the park. Despite the late hour, I'm in no hurry, and Cacao needs to take his time. Strolling along in silence is surprisingly soothing, it helps clears my head, and gives me time to reflect over everything that happened tonight. As I watch Cacao running after his favourite ball, I let my thoughts drift. Daryl offered me a job. Not the most rewarding, OK, but it's better than nothing, and he's going to try to negotiate with Maccini. Joe stood up for me, he was thoughtful, considerate, and a little too friendly at times. The question is, why does a guy like him act that way with a girl like me? Maybe he likes me and is just trying to be nice to get closer to me. Yeah, yeah, yeah! I am not all that convinced. He could have any girl he wants, without having to put up with a chick like me. Joe tells me I can trust Daryl, so does Matt. But can I trust Joe? From what he told me, Daryl's just pretending not to give a shit. He assured me that he knew exactly where I was coming from. I wonder what happened to Matt for Daryl to have been so touched. For now, I'll just go home. I'm completely exhausted. This evening totally drained me.

I whistle over to Cacao, who jogs straight back to me and starts running around me, barking like crazy.

> You win, boy, but one last time, OK? Then we go home!

I pick up the ball full of drool and hurl it as far away as I can. Cacao pelts after it. I sit on a bench nearby, waiting for him to come back. It's pretty chilly out tonight, and I'm getting cold. I'm not going to stay long! When Cacao comes firing back up to me, I bend over to pet him before putting his leash back on. He looks at me with his usual imploring eyes, which makes me laugh every time.

> Don't make that face, my dumpling! It's time to go home. We'll come back tomorrow, OK?

He whines a little but obediently follows suit as I get going. As soon as we step through the door, Cacao rushes to his bowl and digs in like some wild beast.

Daryl: Is it love - The original story (Game walk through)Where stories live. Discover now