From the corner of your eye, you saw Eren pick up his phone and start typing furiously. Jean peeked over his shoulder and grinned. "Reiner? What's he up to?"

The name caught your attention and you looked up from your cereal curiously. "He wants us to go out with everyone again," Eren informed, everyone meaning a bunch of people you went to high school with and somehow ended up friends with all of them.

"Does he know I'm back?" Mikasa asked.

Jean shrugged. "We didn't tell him. Y/n told Sasha and Connie, though."

"Yeah, they're the only ones who know. In our friend group, I mean. We had to tell Hannes since he's the band manager and if you just showed up it'd probably give the poor guy a heart attack. It could be a nice surprise if we don't tell the group and just show up with her, though." Eren schemed.

"That would be so funny! Can you imagine the look on their faces when they see her?" In an attempt to imitate his friends, Jean made eccentric hand gestures and expressions.

"How would we get her in without telling them? If Reiner's planning, he'll need to know who's going to make a reservation," you asked logically, eyebrows furrowing.

Eren's face contorted into a thoughtful expression. He paused for a moment. "I've got it! We just say Y/n is bringing a plus one she wants them to meet," he said casually.

Jean took a large bite of his toast and pointed at Eren. "Sometimes you can be smart," he said with a mouthful of food. Eren looked both disgusted and offended.

You raised an eyebrow. "Why do I have to be the one bringing somebody?"

"It might give them hope of you not staying single forever." Eren gave you a stupid smile while you narrowed your eyes at him.

"I could find someone if I wanted to. You shouldn't be talking. It's not like you've ever been in a relationship," you chided back. He scowled.

"You never know, I might just fuck Floch out of spite." He glared. You laughed in surprise.

"Floch? Really? Even you could do better than that pinwheel." When he heard your insult, Jean snorted into his coffee and accidentally spilled some on his shirt.

"Damn, now I have to wash this shirt again." He groaned and rolled his eyes. Eren let out a boisterous laugh at his misfortune.

"That's what you get for laughing, hoe!"

"Oh, have a little sympathy, Jaeger," he grumbled while Mikasa grabbed a handful of napkins for him.

"Who's Floch?" Mikasa asked with befuddlement.

You whistled. "A real piece of work, that's what he is. He just doesn't stop flirting with me whenever I visit Connie at his job even though I've made it clear I'm not interested."

A sour look etched her features for a split second before she looked down at her empty plate. "Oh."

You frowned and glanced at Jean who was desperately trying to keep his shirt from staining. Eren was still trying to catch his breath as he went back to texting who you assumed was Reiner. Your suspicions were proven correct when he happily announced that everything was set for the dinner taking place that Friday night. Two days away.

He practically skipped into the hallway being followed by an aggravated Jean. You continued eating your breakfast while Mikasa got up started cleaning her dishes. Carefully, you eyed the way she slipped past you and wondered if you should say anything to her. You swiveled around in your seat and asked the question you were sure everyone was wondering.

"Where did you go when you left?"

Mikasa lifted her head and glanced over her shoulder at you. "I told the guys all about it while you were asleep so I'll explain it to you too." You nodded intently as she shifted her body to lean against the sink.

"At first I was just traveling around to see where I fit best. I ended up back in college for a year but none of it felt right, you know? What I love doing is playing in the band with all of you. I wasn't having as good of a time as I would here. I tried convincing myself I wanted to do school but it wasn't working out. I did a lot of thinking and noticed I was only running away from my problems and the people I loved. That's when I decided to come home."

You exhaled softly. Her brief explanation assured you that she wasn't going to leave again. "So you're coming back to the band?"

She looked off and shrugged again. "Hopefully I will. A lot has probably changed with you guys since I left. I haven't performed in a long time. I also haven't been involved with paparazzi for a while, either. It'll be hard getting used to that. Glad to see Hannes still puts up with you all."

You grinned. "Yeah, I don't know how he does it. Especially with Eren's dramatics. That's goood to hear, though. I missed you a lot."

She smiled at you genuinely. "I missed you too. Don't tell the others, but I probably missed you more." She winked and bit her lower lip. You flushed and laughed lightly.

"That's a relief. I was worried it'd be the other way around," you joked. You were glad conversations with her felt much more natural than you had expected. But, then again, this was Mikasa. Everything felt natural with her.

She reached out and fiddled with the ends of your hair, a gesture she used to do often with you. You hadn't seen her do it in a long time and you could feel the heat rushing to your face once again.

"It'll be pretty strange seeing me around so much again, won't it?" Her gray eyes were trained on yours as she continued to mindlessly play with your hair.

"I suppose it will be. I'll just have to get used to it."


𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟏,𝟓𝟎𝟓

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