That day

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Authors note-  ok so this one shot takes place the day the private investigators showed up at Jase and "Natalie's" door

July 14th was a day that Jase and Judith would never forget. It was the day private investigators had shown up at their front door. It was the day Jase found the woman he met at the park that day had been lying. The day their marriage fell apart....

Jase was downstairs watching tv, while Natalie was upstairs recording something for the record. The couple had planned to spend the night at home enjoying each other's company.  It was around noon when the door bell had rang. "Jase can you get that" Natalie yelled from their bedroom. Without responding Jase got up from his spot on the couch to open the door.

Jase walked over to the dark red painted door opening to see three tall men in suits. "Hi there Mr Connelly," Natalie began to walk down the stairs, catching a small glimpse of what was going on. "Don't worry you aren't in any trouble, we just need to know if you have and information about a female named Judith Ford" the man finished. Natalie's heart sank almost instantly. "I'm sorry I think you have the wrong house I don't know anyone named that" Jase told the man a bit of confusion in his voice. "No we have the right house 112 Secretariat Drive, right?" The man asked. "Well yes but", Jase said unsure how to answer, "here is a photo of the girl if you see any sign of her just give us a call" the man handed him a photo before leaving. Jase looked down at the photo even more confused when he saw the face of his wife. The Natalie he saw was overly thin, her eyes looked red, there were more obvious differences like her hair. But there was no denying that it was her.

Natalie walked down the stairs when she reached the bottom Jase looked at her. "Who was that?" She asked her words flowing just like they always did. "I think we need to talk" Jase said his voice had a odd tone in it. "Ok" The two sat down on their brown couch. "Who is Judith Ford?" Jase said his voice stern. Natalie sat for a second thinking of her options. She could either tell the truth or lie, every lie she'd told him ran through her mind he'd believed everything so far so why wouldn't he believe this. "I've never heard that name in my life" she said her voice blunt.  "Then who is this" he said holding up the photo the investigator gave him. "I promise I have no idea who that is, the girl could easily just look like me" Natalie said empathizing certain words. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom" Jase said wanting to get away from the conversation leaving. Natalie signed many different thoughts filling her head. "I'm going out for a jog" Natalie yelled getting up to leave. Running was as close as she could get to being high. That was the last time the two had spoken for two weeks.

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