Sick day

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(A/N: This chapter has poly Roy x Tom x Ross so if you don't rock with that i suggest that you don't read this btw I think Ross's mom has the most soft voice imaginable its so cute ^w^)

Ross was lying shirtless in bed. He was sick today. He then heard a knock on his door and let out a soft "Come in...". His mother popped in. "Ross, may I talk with you for a bit?" He nodded as he began to sit up. She came and sat on the edge of the bed. " father told me about Tom and Roy..." Ross blinked at her as if he was unfazed, but that wasn't true.

His heart was twerking, his stomach, was doing backflips, and his mind was running a damn marathon. On the outside he was fine, but on the inside, his body went into full panic mode.

"Yeah, so?"

"So, you're a homosexual, now?

"Well yes and no. I'm actually bisexual..."

She turned away from him. "Ah I see"

He sighed. "You hate me, don't you?" "Oh no no no, dearie! I could never hate you!" She cupped his face. "I was just worried about why you didn't tell me" He was tearing up. "I...*sniff* I don't know...I thought you were gonna disown me or something..."

She gasped. "I would never disown you, Ross! You're my son! I couldn't even dream of doing that to my own child just because they want to live a certain way!" She then enveloped him in a big hug and rubbed his back.

Ross then start to whimper and quietly sob onto her shirt. Once he was done, her shirt was soaked, but she didn't care about that right now. All that matters in the moment was Ross. She brought his face up to hers to look into his dark-circled, sick yet saddened eyes.

"Its ok, lovely." She wiped his tears. "I know how hard it is to come out of the closet to someone that you care about. I'm proud of you, my son. You are really brave. There's no need to cry, hun. I still love you." He then calmed down. "Thanks mom. you, t-too"

I love you.

He had never really said that to anyone before. Well except for his boyfriends, but thats besides the point.

"Welp I'm must be going now. I'll be back at 5." She got up. "Where are you going?" "I still have to go to work, Ross" "Oh" He said a little disappointed. Sure he liked to be alone, but an empty house was a bit too much.

They heard a knock at the front door. "Oh they're here." She went to open it and Ross followed her out of curiosity.

Once she opened the door, he looked past her to see who it was. You fuckin guessed it. It was Roy and Tom.

"Hiya, Mrs. Vivian." Tom smiled at her as Roy stood by his side. "Hello, boys. Please come in." She stepped aside. Tom then spotted his stuffy and snuffy boyfriend. "Oh, hunny. I missed you." He hugged him. "But we just video called a few hours ago..."

"Doesn't matter." Roy put his hand on Ross's forhead. "Besides what are you doing outta bed, anyway? You're still sick." He then kissed Ross's forhead to check his temperature. He was still burning up. "Oh no. You must so dehydrated! Come on. Lets get you some water."

Tom then grabbed his hand and dragged him to the kitchen. He sat him down and took a sit next to him while Roy got him some water. "Guys.'re embarrassing meee...." Ross whined.

His mother chuckled. "Alright well I'll be off now. Bye bye. Call if you need, ok?" Tom waved at her. "Yes, mam. Byeee" As she left, Ross began to drink the water Roy had given him.

"Feeling better?" Roy questioned him while rubbing his back.

Ross nodded.

After he finished the water, they headed upstairs to his room to watch a movie. They then settled down on the bed.

[Time skip bc I've had this in my drafts for over 3 months and I need to put this out TO-FUCKING-DAY]

Ross's mom came back. "Boys! I'm back" No one answered her except for the silence. "Ross...?" She began to worry. She knew her house was naturally quiet, but not this quiet. She speed walked to his room, hoping that  they didn't sneak off to someplace that she didn't know about.

Once she opened his door, she sighed out of relief. They sleeping soundly, cuddled up together. "Aw. How adorable" she smiled and shut the door. But not before taking a few pictures.

(A/n: Holy shit! I'm finally done with that now I can do other stories without feeling guilty and sleep peacefully btw I had no idea of what I was doing with that little "coming out" bit ngl It was kinda hard bc last year I tried to come out to my family as pan but none of them believed me (except my sister) and they thought I had made it up plus I got in trouble for it then I just never talked to them about it ever again so yeah baiiiii~)

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2021 ⏰

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