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(Y/n) sat at the table with Hange, Erwin, Levi, and his squad, holding her cup from the rim and sipping from it as she now did regularly.

She felt a slight pressure in her stomach, looking next to her at her roommate and tugging on his shirt lightly.


Erwin nearly spit out his drink at her words, the rest of the group staring wide-eyed at her and Levi.

The Captain groaned and found her gaze, unphased by her unusual nickname for him.


(Y/n) shifted in her seat slightly, the ravenette nodding and looking at Hange, who was still watching the pair in shock and amusement.

"She needs to use the bathroom, take her Four-Eyes."

Hange stood in confusion but complied, linking their arm with (Y/n)'s and heading off to the bathroom.


Eld sang in a mimicking tone, him and Gunther giggling like schoolgirls.

"Shut up, brats."

Levi grumbled, sipping his tea and attempting to ignore the two men's continuing imitation of his roommate.

"So she talks to you?"

Erwin chuckled, wiping his mouth of the water that dribbled out in his shock.

"She only ever calls me that stupid name, otherwise I've had to learn her gestures and expressions."

Of course, (Y/n) did say more than just the nickname, but it was only ever a few words, so he decided to keep it to himself.

"But surely she doesn't need your aid in the bathroom?"

Erwin continued, watching as Levi flicked a piece of granola at Eld and Gunther, who continued to act childish.

"Of course not, idiot, but I told her early on that she wasn't allowed to go anywhere unsupervised, and she took it very literally."

Levi groaned, leaning his head back.

"Now she won't even take a shit unless someone accompanies her."

"You go into the bathroom with her?"

Oluo questioned in disgust, the others now looking at the Captain with similar expressions.

"Obviously not, brat."

Levi growled, mumbling his next words into his teacup.

"I just wait outside the door until she's done..."

Eld and Gunther proceeded to completely lose themselves in their laughter, doubling over each other in attempt to contain themselves.

"Oh Levi-san, you're my hero!"

"Levi-san please come bathe me!"

The two men howled with laughter, or so (Y/n) thought.

When her and Hange returned from the bathroom, she expected to see the blond and brunette laughing like she'd been able to hear from down the hallway in the bathroom.

Instead, the two men were sat next to each other with large bruises on their heads, soft groans leaving them.

Hange looked at Levi expectantly, cocking her eyebrow in a 'what did you do' manner.

Levi simply shrugged, finishing off his breakfast.

"They were pissing me off."

The Unknown Girl (Levi Ackerman x Reader) **REBOOT**Where stories live. Discover now