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"We all die. The goal isn't to live forever, the goal is to create something that will." -Chuck Palahniuk

Harry's POV

3 years from present...

It's true you know, what they say about death. It doesn't discriminate. Good people who don't deserve to die, are killed every single day. My parents didn't deserve to die. I shouldn't have let them die. But that's not up to me I guess. It's all in the dice roll from the big man upstairs. I guess that just leaves me with guilt. Nothing new in my fucked up mind. It's been there since day one. You see, I'm not a good person. So if anyone should have died, it should have been me.

A bulky hand gripped my shoulder, squeezing it tightly then patting it gently. I picked my head up from my blank stare on the dark pavement under me. I looked back at the hands owner. It was one of my dad's security guards. His name was Laurence. Laurence had muscles like a drill sergeant, and the face of one too.

His arms bulked out of his black suit, accentuating the curves of his muscles. Laurence was bald, and had many frown lines. All he ever did was frown. Laurence had deep brown eyes and straight eyebrows. I don't think his face would let him smile even if he wanted to.

"Sorry about your loss kid." Laurence had a deep, manly voice. It was loud and assertive.

"Thanks." I nodded sheepishly. Laurence nodded and turned back to his usual position. Arms in front of him, suffocating by the fabric of his jacket.

I grabbed my car keys from my pocket and locked my black Lamborghini. My dad had bought it for me when I first started driving two years ago.

My parents died a week ago from a freak plane crash, at least that's what they told me. Four of his workers were on the plane too, all of them dying as well. I didn't really know what my dad did or why he wasn't always home, and never really cared. I was taught to never ask questions, even if it was important. I only knew my mum was a nurse in the E.R. since she'd tell me stories at dinner. She was much more open to me compared to my father.

I buttoned up my fitted black tux, smoothing my hands down my torso. I watched as my ring littered hands soothed out all the creases until the fabric was pin straight. I looked up at the quiet business building. Had to have been a few stories tall, lots of business and offices. I had only been here once when I was in grade school. My dad had to pick up something. He left me in the car, not allowing me to come with him. He made sure that I knew to never go into this office without permission. I felt like I was violating his wishes by going in here today, but I needed to clean out his office. Since he was no longer alive, his office had no need for being here. I was meeting the lawyers here to discuss his and my mums will as well.

I took a step under a big glass awning. It was big enough to fit hundreds of cars and still have room. There was a thin red carpet leading up to the pair of rotating glass doors. I walked towards the carpet, listening to the faint footsteps from my Italian dress shoes stop once they hit the carpet. I walked slowly towards the door, gulping back the need to retreat to my car and cry to my father and the lord above for how sorry I am for disobeying him.

He wasn't alive anymore Harry, you don't have to explain yourself.

I stepped into the rotating glass doors and spun around until I reached the inside. It was an all white marble lobby. Expensive paintings from god knows where hung on nearly every inch of the wall. Small velvet love seats lined the walls, allowing places for visitors to sit. The soft red carpet continued in the building, stopping just before the small front desk in the middle of the room.

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