Nightmare Collection: 11:37

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Nightmare Collection: 11:37

Her name was Allie she was brutally murdered by her step-sister, Cindy. One night, in reason that she stole the heart of her finance. As they say love can be great but terrible as well, and in this case deadly...Allie was very superstitious and believed in the supernatural world. She died on a Monday at 11:37pm. After a year Allie's step-sister died of a stroke (As some say) But the real reason behind it was Allie. Every day when the clock strikes 11:37 someone in our world dies. Some have died in their sleep, some have died awake, All of the deaths are caused by a heart attack in reason that she died of a "Love" Issue. No one would suspect murder if someone died of a heart attack. But those who believe in this myth know the real reason behind the death. You never know when she might come to you, eventually she might, remember one person is killed every night at exactly 11:37. Doesn't matter if you are asleep, doesn't matter if your awake, doesn't matter if your innocent. Her name is Allie and you might see her some day too.

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