Chapter 1 - How It Started

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Julie's POV
I was sitting at my desk mind my business drawling my princess and eating my fruit snacks...but I wasn't paying attention to mg applesauce...

Luke's POV
I was playing with my race car and I ate all of my gold fish but I seen this beautiful, pretty, cute girl sitting but she looked sad, but my stomach was growling. There was a applesauce on the other side of the I took it. She saw me and turned and yelled at me.

"HEY! That was mine" she yelled.

"Sorry I didn't know-" she cut me off

"ugh. You know you can't just take people's things?" she said, sounding annoyed.

"I said sorry" I said trying to calm her down.

"I DON'T CARE GIVE IT BACK!!!" she yelled at me, I just got mad because she yelled.

"FINE!" I yelled, and threw the applesauce in her hand and stomped back to my seat. For some reason I wasn't as angry as I looked. She seemed sad, and I made it worse. I already like her, but I don't know if she may like me...

Julie's POV
I HATE THAT KID ALREADY. Who does he think he is coming and talking my applesauce. Why couldn't he just leave me alone. Out of everyone he had to come and make my day worse. I was already trying to stay calm by drawing because it helps me calm down because before school I got some bad new from my daddy.

(Before School)
"Where's Mommy" I asked my father while sitting in my car seat.

"She isn't feeling too good she is in the hospital...but try to stay happy, ok mija?" He tells me.

I look down sadly then back up to him because I knew this was going to be a long day for me.

(End of flashback)

I don't want to lose my mommy and that boy had to make my day worse I just wish I could hug her right now but she is sick.

Luke's POV
"Luke why did you do that?" My best friend, Alex, asks me.

"I wasn't trying to be mean. I even tried to say sorry she was just angry. She looks so sad I think I made her day worse. I felt bad, too" I say looking at her, talking to him and my other best friend, Reggie.

"She's pretty" Reggie says to me.

"Yeah she is" I say thinking out loud.

"Lukey has a crush, Lukey has a crush" They sing.

"Yeah, do you know her name?" I question them looking back at them.

"I think her name is, Julia, no, Julie...yeah that's it Julie" Alex says to me. I can't help but think her name was beautiful just like her. Wow...I like her already.

Narrator POV
Over the years Luke came to the fact that Julie hated him. He was kinda of sad but decided that he was going to pick on her...He was most definitely still in love with her...but he still needed a reason to be around her. Julie hasn't sung on played the piano since 3rd grade when her mother was diagnosed with cancer. She started playing again in 5th grade. Luke didn't know this of course because if he did he wouldn't he planning a big prank on her right now.

Luke's POV
Yes...I am still in love with Julie even though we are now in 11th Grade. I didn't want to embarrass he in front of the school so i decided to go with a private prank because I can't have to not talking to me at all. I am getting insulted is better than nothing. Whatever.

So people how did you like the first chapter😊 good thx

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