Chapter 28 Promises

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Lan WangJi was nervous. To be absolutely honest, he never actually thought he would marry, but once he realised the depth of his feelings for Wei Ying, there was nothing he desired more. And he could not believe the miracle that Wei Ying felt the same way.

Lan XiChen was standing next to him while they waited for Wei Ying. He placed a steadying warm hand on his shoulder to calm him, smiling.

"It is an important day. I wish our mother were able to see you."

Lan WangJi could only nod.

And then Wei Ying entered the hall.

Lan WangJi just stared. It was as if all the important moments in his life pin pointed to only this.

Nobody else existed for him then.

Although he would not be allowed to remove his veil until after they had bowed, Lan Zhan could only imagine how beautiful his Wei Ying looked. The robes of scarlet silk fluttered as he walked forward, flanked by his brother and Wen Ning. Dragons, phoenix and lotuses were embroidered along the sleeves and back of the outer gown.

Lan Zhan suddenly couldn't breathe.

Wei Ying was utterly grateful for the support of the two men next to him. His legs were shaking, his breath catching and, any minute now, he was sure he would pass out.

Jiang Cheng placed his hand in Lan Zhan's. They followed him to the Ancestors room, the young ones trailed behind them.

Wei Ying tried not to think of the last time they had come here. It had not ended well...
Lan Zhan seemed to sense how he was feeling and gave his hand a squeeze.

They kneeled on cushions and made their bows; first to the heavens, second to Jiang Fengmian and Madam Yu, and Shijie, and finally to each other.

"Please let Lan Zhan be happy, let us never part. Please let us keep our promises." Wei Ying prayed. "Please bless us and this union."

Lan Zhan made his prayers and then they returned to the hall for the tea ceremony.

Jiang Cheng had organised a banquet in their honour, which proved to be a raucous event. Of course, Wei Ying drank, but respected Lan Zhan's wish not to, knowing full well the consequences of what would happen.

They were congratulated by all present, endless bowing and eating, until Wei Ying whispered from under his veil.

"Hey, Husband? Do you think it would be alright for us to leave now?"

Lan Zhan suddenly couldn't speak. He decided he liked that. Very much.

"Mn." He grabbed Wei Ying's hand, bowed to everyone and marched quickly to their room.

Wei Ying was still trying to catch his breath after that speedy exit, when he found the door bolted and Lan Zhan standing in front of him. Suddenly nervous, he grabbed his wrists before he could remove his veil.

"Wei Ying?"

"Lan Zhan..." He cleared his throat and began again. "Lan Zhan, before we do anything, I have something for you. And...and I want to tell you something."


Wei Ying released his hands. The veil was thrown off instantly.

Lan Zhan could only look on, his heart galloping in his chest.

"Lan Zhan?"

He grabbed Wei Ying's hand and placed his palm on his heart. Wei Ying understood.

"I promise to try and make you happy, I promise that you are the only one for me. I fancy you, I love you, there cannot be anyone else but you."

Lan Zhan cupped his face. "I love Wei Ying. Only Wei Ying. Forever." Then he kissed him, a kiss filled with all the words he couldn't say, filled with all the love in his being.

Then Wei Ying showed him his first present.

"This talisman allows you to drink liquor or wine, and not pass out."

Lan Zhan's eyes twinkled.

"Especially because," Wei Ying continued, "I have this special wine for us to drink as Husband and Husband."

He poured into two cups and they both drank.

"And now..."

Lan Zhan swallowed his sigh, waiting for Wei Ying to finish.

"Kidding! That's-"

But he could not continue, because Lan Zhan had captured his mouth.

Suffice to say, the following hours were...busy.


They were left alone for three days, meals placed discreetly outside, and absolutely no one disturbed them. Jiang Cheng did everyone a favour by placing a silencing talisman on their door.

On the fourth night, they emerged, Wei Ying looking radiant, no signs of his previous ailments, and very much to be happy about. Lan Zhan looked the same, only his brother and Husband could tell the depth of his feelings.

They met with Jin Ling and Jiang Cheng in the Swords Hall.

"We have a gift for you." Wei Ying said, nervously. "It's a surprise."

He and Lan Zhan led the way to the Ancestors room. Lan Zhan sat on the end with his Guqin, Wei Ying sat next to him and asked Jin Ling for his jade pendant. They held hands as the notes of Inquiry played.




"Yes, Jin Ling. This is your mother, and our sister."

She sat in front of them and nodded to each one, a glowing blue spirit. She saw the ring on Wei Ying's hand and gasped.

"Are you married now, A-Xian?" She had tears in her eyes.

He nodded, his sight also blurred.

"Congratulations. Lan WangJi, I know you will take care of my brother. He is very precious to me."

Lan Zhan smiled and nodded.

"A-Xian, I need to tell you something."

"What, Shijie?"

"I need you to know, I never blamed you for what happened. I know you would never do something like that. But you had run away so fast that last night, and there was no chance for me to say. I know you blamed yourself..."

He could only nod, face wet.

"And A-Cheng, you must not blame him, either. I know how you are. I only want you both to be happy."

Jiang Cheng was also crying.

She finally turned to Jin Ling.

"My son. I'm sorry I never got to see you grow up. For me, even those precious few days I held you in my arms, they were the best. I hope you know that your father and I love you very much. Whenever you miss us, you may come here. Even if you can't see us, you will always have our blessings."

Jin Ling tried to speak, he really did. All those times, he had thought of what he would say, if he ever got the chance, all those words had flown away. But his mother seemed to understand. She smiled at him, her face full of love.

They said goodbye.

Wei Ying was exhausted. Jiang Cheng left immediately, Jin Ling stayed, lighting fresh incense.

Wei Ying and Lan Zhan sauntered to their room, the former yawning heavily.


He nodded. "Haven't slept much these past few days." And wiggled his eyebrows.

"Well then, perhaps we should just sleep tonight." Lan Zhan looked straight ahead, completely expecting Wei Ying's reaction.

"Lan Zhan? Lan Zhaaan!!?"

He pulled in a giggling Wei Ying and locked their door.

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