"I am."

"Well then, why don't you find something else to watch if you're so bored."

"I'm not really in the mood for shows anymore."

Keith knows exactly what Lance is after and isn't giving in easily. He'd rather make Lance work for it. Side-eyeing him, Keith continues to scroll through his social media, "Well, what are you in the mood for?"


Keith turns the phone off, "Oh really?"


Keith smiles, "Well, what if I'm not in the mood for you?" He pokes Lance square in the chest, "Ever think of that?"

The latter pouts, "Oh come on! What did I do now?!"

Keith tilts his head to the side. Clearly someone got the wrong signals. Softening, he sets the phone down and turns his full attention to Lance, "Nothing, I was just-"

Lance pushes him back against the couch cushions with a soft thud. He leans in dangerously close and smirks, "Gotcha."

"Did you-," The man below him stutters, "Did you just trick me?"

He leans in and whispers into his ear, "Si, mi amor."

Keith glares up at Lance as he pulls away slightly. Their eyes linger whilst they study each other's faces. Lance leans in, eyes darting to Keith's lips before completing the motion. Tenderly placing his lips on his fiance's, he brings a hand up to Keith's cheek. He feels the heat on the tips of his fingers upon contact from the rapid blush forming crossed the smaller man's face. His other hand finds itself wandering over Keith's clothed torso. Speaking of Keith, his hands were originally placed on Lance's chest in an attempt to put distance between them. He wasn't fond of this sudden switch in attitude after the hell he's been put through. But as cliche as it is, his hands slowly slid up over Lance's shoulders before resting in his damp hair.

They break away momentarily, both of their eyes locked but heavy lidded. Keith slides his hands back to Lance's shoulders, not wanting to break contact with him. Tempted to just pull him back down, Keith waits eagerly for Lance to continue what he started. And continue he did. Leaning back down, he goes for Keith's neck this time. Kissing and sucking away, he slowly makes his way to the spot he discovered the first time they did the deed. Pushing away the thick strap of Keith's tank top, he bites down on the skin between the latters neck and shoulder. He didn't get the reaction he was expecting though. 

Keith's right hand lurched up from Lance's shoulder and covers his month as he turns his head to the side. Focusing on his breath, he tries to stay calm and not make any noise. Lance notices this and pulls away. He glares down at him before grabbing Keith's hands and moving them above his head. His eyes lock with Keith's deep purple ones for a brief moment. Lance pauses before doing anything as and gives his fiance a threatening look. Some would describe it as a, 'don't do that again' look. Slowly, he goes back to littering the Idol's pale neck and exposed upper chest with love bites and hickeys.

This time, Keith is left defenseless. He bites his lip and tries his best to stay quiet. Part of him doesn't want this to escalate further, but the other part is begging him to let things progress further. It's like he's playing devils advocate for himself. He lets out a shaky breath before speaking, "Lance. Is this really- Aah."

Lance glances up at him before pulling away slightly, "What was that, mi amor?"

Avoiding eye contact, he stares off at the back of the couch, "I know you're in the mood but I'm not really..."

Lance lets go of his grip on Keith's wrists and sits up. He's visibly annoyed (just like the horny readers). He sighs and leans into the back of the couch, avoiding eye contact as well, "It's fine."

Keith looks up at his fiance with sympathetic eyes. He reaches out and grabs one of Lance's hands, lacing their fingers together, "Just give me some time," Lance looks back at him and locks eyes. Keith gives him a gentle, sincere smile, "Okay?"



Okay, so I promised more smut in this book back at the very beginning of the first book. Idk if I'll live up to my word but I can try (I'd rather just cockblock tho). Also, keith got them blue boxers because blue is Lance's favorite color. I might actually explain that in one of the upcoming chapters... or I might not. You never know. :/

Also-also, I went back and reread earlier chapters of the first book to try and get my original voice back. It bothers me that I don't have that natural voice anymore and I'm sure it bugs some readers too. Hopefully, I was able to incorporate some of it but I honestly don't think I did.

ANYWAYS, I'm working on another headcanons page because I love adding just random little things to give them more life and character. 

Idol Love : After HoursWhere stories live. Discover now