Harry immediately dropped the rolling pin and wiped his hands on the damp towel next to him as he raced to Louis' side.

"What?" He asked looking over the invitation.

The king of Ireland is hosting an archery contest, where the winner will be granted one wish of anything of their choosing and £100,000. Please RSVP to this envelope along with the entry fee and come to the Dublin Hotel at the airport. On the 3rd of March, you will be escorted to the archery field where you will compete in 3 contests.

1. Distance

2. Blindfolded

3. Moving Target

The entry fee is £25,000 to filter and find people who are serious about archery.

Harry finished looking over the letter.

"Lou I don't have £25,000 and March is our busiest month, I couldn't leave you. Plus I wouldn't be as good as most of the people who will be participating. If you pay that kind of money you must be really good at archery." Harry sighed sadly. He wasn't terrible at the sport and was actually really good but he knew he'd be no match to the other people who were competing.

He of course knows what his one wish would be but he couldn't afford to pay that much money just to lose, even if he was able to see Niall.

"Haz that's ridiculous, I've seen you do all three of those skills flawlessly, and I'll pay for you to go. You've worked here for almost 3 years, and ever since you've come in and started making those cinnamon rolls of yours the Bakery's profits have almost doubled, I'm sure you've made me close to £25,000. Plus if you win you'd be taking home more than that! Also, I'll get El to help out with the bakery so you have no excuse to not go to Dublin and at least try to win your boy." Louis argues, and Harry started to tear up and hug him.

"You'll be the best man at my wedding if I win." He whispered getting emotional at the thought of marrying the love of his life.

"Stop being so sappy, and it's when you win."

Tournament Day

Niall was sitting very bored in his chair, as Liam sat next to him as he had begged his father to let Liam join him.

They both scanned the area for anyone decent to root for since they both knew Niall was going to get a marriage proposal, and Niall at least didn't want to live the rest of his life with someone who repulsed him.

"Hey, Niall do you think there will be anyone you will find an interest in?" Liam asks looking for a second time at anyone who looks decent.

Niall shrugged not caring too much, as he was thinking of his Harry who would've loved to watch this with him, or even participate as he liked to shoot an arrow here and there. Niall knew there was no chance Harry could've paid the entry fee, but he imagined seeing Harry's face in the line on contestants.

Liam sighed knowing how much Niall had been missing Harry recently. They hadn't been talking much since the bakery was going to be getting busy and Harry had to stay for more hours to prepare.

The tournament had begun and the first challenge was to hit a target 200ft away. All the archers looked nervous at the challenge except the arrogant prince of Sweeden, Prince Adrian. Niall had met him once at a royal party held in Norway. He kept hitting on Niall, and would always try and touch him in weird ways, even if he was only 14 or 15. He was disgusted by the man who was almost 25 years old but was afraid to do anything because of his bulky build.

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