Battle Tendency 29

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"Hang on now! What is with all the surprise? It is like you have seen a ghost and why does Y/N have a tombstone....Wait a minute. WHAT THE HELL? WHAT IS MY NAME DOING ON THE OTHER HEADSTONE? Do not tell me this funeral is...." Joseph yelled completely freaking out.

"Jojo!" Suzie Q shouted swaying her hips. "You should not be out in the rain you could catch a cold. Have an umbrella."

"You are Suzie Q!" Messina pointed out surprised. "What is that ring on your finger?"

"You do not know about my wife?!" Joseph shouted as you suppressed a giggle.

"YOUR WIFE?!" Everyone stated except you.

"You wife? Oh my!" Suzie Q held her hand to her blushing cheeks. "You cannot just introduce me like that....I am...." She squealed. ".....So embarrassed! Right?"

"Do not right me!" Joseph leaned down to her eye level. "So nobody knows that when the volcano erupted sending that rock, Y/N and me flying, the rock actually protected us like a shield and we landed on the ocean." Joseph began trailing of.

Actually it was my stand HEAL to protect us without it you would have died. You added in your mind.

"....Y/N held us overwater swimming to the shore as finally a Venetian fisherman picked us up. You picked us up letting us recover a bit in Venice. No one knows about it?! You send the telegram right?"

"Telegram?" She asked shyly deep in thought.

"Yeah you said you would!" Joseph was getting agitated as a menacing look settled on his face as she ran away screaming.

"Sorry! I forgot!!!"

"Oh no! I do not believe it! What were you thinking woman? Come back here!" He chased after her as Smokey broke down crying as you helped him up. "You guys are alive!!" You saw Joseph trying to reach Suzie Q by climbing on top of the car; slowly you faced the others collected hugging everyone, nobody could believe it especially Erina.

"I am sorry for scaring you guys." You apologized as tears streamed down Lisa Lisa's face. "But you guys should have known better, I do not die that easily and nobody dies on my watch." You crossed your arms grinning as you punched Speedwagon's shoulder. Slowly you turned to Caesar as he gave you a bone crushing hug not wanting to let go. He was crying.

"Caesar calm down." You laughed. "Man I am no good with comforting crying grownups!" You laughed patting his head. "I am glad to see you as well."

"Y/N.....can you still remember me confessing to you? I know the timing is a bit off but-!" The tips of his ears turned bright red.

"I recall them clearly. Every word of it." You replied not letting go leaning closer. "So....why not give it a try Caesarino?~" You gently cupped his chin inspecting him up close. His face was a blushing mess.

"Do not tease me!" He shouted.

You kissed him slowly before pulling away. "Really? I could get used to it, so do you want to be my lover, you damn womanizer?"


Lisa Lisa aka Elizabeth Joestar revealed her true identity to Joseph. Together Suzie Q, Joseph and Lisa Lisa moved to America where 1948 she remarried to a Hollywood screenwriter.

The last one standing A Jojo's bizarre adventure fanfictionKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat