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I was hesitant to text James to come over. I wanted to cuddle because of my bad day at school but I didn't want to be selfish for asking to come over just in case he was hanging out with his friends. I knew he would come over either way but he hasn't hung out with them in a while.

I just texted him anyway.

Hi. Do you want to come over or if your busy then later?

I felt anxious immediately. I didn't know what he would say. What if-

I don't get to finish my thought sentence with another text.

I'm hanging out with the boys but ill come over right now if you want?

I felt deflated. I texted back

No, it's ok. You can come over when you're done. Say hi for me.

Are you sure? I can come over right now?

Yeah, it's fine. Just come when you want. You haven't hung out with them in a while. Go have fun.

Ok but I'm coming over right now.

No. Just stay, you haven't hung out in a while because of me. I don't want to be the reason you not hanging out with your friends.

But I want to hang out with you. Sometimes they can be a little excessive and I like that your not like that.

But you need boy time every once in a while and you haven't had a lot of that since I have been the reason you're not hanging out with the boys.

Well, finish this when I get there. Xxx

Ok. See you. xxx.

I throw my phone at the end of my bed. I lay down and snuggle into my stuffed animals. I hug my teddy bear James gave me at the carnival.

It's not long before my bedroom door opens quietly. I sit up slightly and see James at the door. I get up quickly. I run to him and hug him with my arms around his waist. He puts his arms around my body making me feel safe. He kisses my forehead.

He said in a soft voice "You know I would come either way."

I look up at him and say "Yeah I know that's why insisted you stayed."

"If you insisted It makes me want to come over more."

"I don't want you to choose me over your friends," I say burying my face into his shirt smelling his cologne.

He sighed kissing my forehead "You're too good to me"

I smile into his shirt. I remember what I wanted earlier. I lift my head to look up at him and say hoping he'll say yes "Do you want to cuddle?"

"Of course I do." I smile a big smile. I move out of his arms and jump onto my bed in a sitting position. I look at him. He's smiling at me with adoration in his eyes. He slowly walks over to the other side and lays on the bed. He opens his arms for me. I lay down and put my arms around his waist. I snuggle my head into his chest. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and snuggles into my neck. We tangle our legs together. He holds me close to his chest.

I think back to the thing I want to tell him. I've been uneasy about it. I didn't know if he felt the same. I want to do it so I close my eyes and get ready for the blow.

I yell into his chest. "I love you!"

He jumps a little by how loud I yelled but he recovers and realizes what I said. I don't want to look at him just in case.

But he instead he lifts my chin and I slowly open my eyes and look at his face. My hands are shaking and my heart is pumping fast.

He looks at me with adoration and he kind of looks nervous. "R-really?"

I whisper "Yeah"

"I love you" He says in a soft low tone. He leans in "I love you" in a whisper. He closes the space and kisses my lips.

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