My personal favs among the demon brothers!

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Cliche or not I am really attached to this tsundere boy! Despite his sin he's so sweet, kind, and at times (more so with time) generous. He gets gift for those he cares about to cheer them up (Levi during the Ruri event) and try's to be a good brother. I swear sometimes I wanna smack a brother when the go way to far... He's so sweet, even if he's a bit dense and sends mixed signals, if he was real I'd be melting.... 🥺


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This boy- I just want to make him feel better. I can low-key relate to his self deprivation but dang. I just want to wrap him in a blanket and make it all better :( We could so nerd out together, but maybe not to his level lol

 I just want to wrap him in a blanket and make it all better :( We could so nerd out together, but maybe not to his level lol

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Adorable precious bean. He basically has hunger pains 24/7 so he's in constant pain and everyone seems so annoyed at him and I just- Beel protection squad activated. He's so nice and sweet. My heart 🥺

 My heart 🥺

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Daddy issues- but seriously though we'd so mess with Lucifer so much it'd be perfect. We both want to piss him off lol. He's a cat person so~ I just hope he doesn't mind I'm not to much into physical books... I listen to audiobooks mostly.

 I listen to audiobooks mostly

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I'm mostly neutral to him tbh. I like stereotypically feminine things too so we'd vibe and be fashion buddies but sexual stuff usually makes me uncomfortable due to something's and I don't know if I'd be okay with that and be able to keep up to his *ahem* 'needs' per say. Besides most of his lovers ended in tragedy and that kinda scares me 😅

 Besides most of his lovers ended in tragedy and that kinda scares me 😅

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He both pisses me off and makes me go into protective mode when he's in danger. Plus this dude needs some serious sleep help I swear-
As the dad friend and as him being practically the father of the group it'd probably be a good thing that we are all a family. I relate to him a bit to much for my liking when it comes to those points... 😂




Though I take issue with how he handled the Belphie situation and how he hangs Mammon up-side down. He has and at times is still abusive. He's done less over time (sign of change) but still DOES some of his abusive behavior. Sometimes I just want to smack him for what he did. 


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He was my favorite until chapter 16... he straight up used psychological warfare after betraying my trust and slowly killing me. Oh and taunted the brothers with my death. Mammon crying made his case 10% worse than before I swear- he only stopped originally due to a connection to Lilith and never said sorry... with the other times I saw it coming and knew what I was getting into. Yet my MC actually trusted Belphie and got vibed checked.... I really did like him originally because edgy, cuddly, sleepy boy but then nope. I'll still write for him but it just kinda gets to me that someone who betrayed mcs trust and tried destroying MC mentality and physically never apologized and now claims to love them in a weird way.

No shade though, we all have our own favorites!!!!

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