Jude's coronation dress

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Hi guys! Sorry for any grammar mistakes please tell me in the comments so I can fix them. Can you also tell me if my writing is good because if not I would like to know thank you 

Enjoy :)



Why can I not stop thinking of her, she runs through my mind constantly and I hate it. I will never admit it to anyone especially her but I have a feeling that Locke knows exactly how much I think about her.

Locke. I see him dancing and whispering things to her. I shake my head to no one in particular, he is just toying with her and she has no idea. She actually seems to care about him, oh how much I wished she cared about me.


I need a way to stop thinking, I grab some more wine. Faeries look my way obviously judging how drunk I am at my own brother's coronation. What has he ever done for me, I think bitterly. Dain has never cared about any of his siblings, especially me, all he wants is the throne which he has finally gotten. I drink some more wine to try and rid my thoughts of everything.

Almost unconsciously I find myself standing behind Jude, Locke stops speaking and stares at me.

"Time to change partners" I say not kindly, "Oh, did I steal your line?"

Jude looks confused at my words and angry that she can't refuse a dance since I am a prince. Locke just glares at me from behind Jude, but his expression changes to something like mockery. He knows how I feel about her and is toying with her to mess with my feelings just as much as he is hers.

For the first time I noticed the dress she's wearing. The dress I got her, she has no idea but she is still wearing it. It fits her perfectly just as I suspected it would. I did not expect her to wear it, I know she certainly would not have if she knew who sent it. Its a beautiful dress, one made for royalty. She only makes it better, the way it accents her curves, the colors perfect for her skin tone. I don't know what prompted me to order the dress, I saw it with some of the other tailors' works and immediately thought of Jude. My reasoning is that if I will be forced to attend an event that Jude will also be at, I guess I should add to my amusement.I ordered the dress later that day and sent it to her families seamstress anonymously telling her to make it to Jude Duarte's measurements. I could not risk anyone knowing that I spared even a thought to what a mortal, especially this mortal, would be wearing at the coronation. Only Nicasia knows that I bought the dress but not for who. I see her staring at Jude from across the hall. She looks at me accusingly.

"Seriously, you got the dress for HER?" she seems to say

I turn my attention back to Jude who looks like she would rather be anywhere else than dancing with me.

"What do you want" I hear her ask. "Go ahead insult me"

Snapping out of my thoughts I look at her, raising my eyebrows. "I don't take commands from mortals" I say with a not so genuine smile.

"So you're going to say something nice? I don't think so. Faeries can't lie."

I try to hide my surprise, who is she to say something like that to me, a prince of Elfhame. I slide my hand lower on her hip, she looks at me with such hatred that I almost slide my hand back up.

"You really do hate me don't you?" I say instead

"Almost as much as you hate me"

Oh if only she knew.

"Until we spar again" I bow as I release her and go to get some more wine.

So this is the end of chapter one please tell me what you think in the comments. :)

Should I keep going?

Word count- 630

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