chapter one

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HEEYYY!!!:) okay sooo this is my authors note! this is the second book to the devil's son, aha the tilte kinda shows the oppisite of Ellie:) anywho i hope you enjoy! please comment vote and fan! 

Chapter one

“Hey babe, you ready to go?” Anthony asked, holding his hand out for me to hold. “Naturally,” I

smiled and held his hand. I stared up into his loving eyes, covered by his glasses. “Hey! Lovebirds

hurry up!” Nicolette yelled from her light blue mustang. I giggled and pulled Anthony down my front

yard. I sighed, I absolutely love times like this, they make me feel so… whole. “Your smiley,”

Anthony noticed and poked my cheek softly, “Hey!” I whined and pulled the back door of Nicolette’s

coverable open. “Hey guys!” Mike smiled and did an odd handshake with Anthony. “Ice cream

shop?” Nicolette asked as I pulled my seatbelt over my head. “Yes please, I could really go for

some Oreo ice cream,” I smiled and clapped my hands together. I snuggled into the side of

Anthony’s body and rested my head on his shoulder. I elbowed him lightly and drew an outline of a

heart in mid-air. A thin line of golden light followed my finger and wrapped around the newly formed

heart. Anthony chuckled and kissed my forehead. “I keep forgetting you can do stuff like that,” he

said and combing his fingers through my hair. 

I almost forgot too. It’s been a year since I encountered the manic Ellie, with his seductive

looks and mysterious personalities. And yes I do mean the plural. We had to go through the worst

possible things, like seeing two of our loved ones die, but we made it and we’re together again, but

inside I keep having this feeling like someone is watching me, whispering things in my ear,

sometimes I even feel as if lips were on my cheek, but really that’s impossible, maybe I’m just

going insane. “We’re here!” Nicolette smiled and pulled the car into a parking spot out front of the

store. “I see Ri Ri and Kay in the shop, you know those two kids are always doing something

together,” Mike laughed and hopped out of the side of the car, not bothering to open the door. Mike

is the brawn of the group with his muscular body and lean face that was so angular that it almost

looked older, but once you see him smile, his impossible boyish grin flashes and you can’t help

but know he’s a great guy. I watched him prance into the store, listening to his shoes hit the

pavement. “Let’s go!” Nicolette spazzed yet again. My attitude packed best friend loved to pick her

fights, though she was small. She kind of reminded me of a Barbie doll. What I mean by that is, that

her face is small and fragile, with amazingly blue eyes and short, cropped black hair that she loved

to spike up at the back. “Okay, okay,” Anthony complained and hopped out of the car, just like Mike

did, and pulled me out by my waist, catching me in that super cute wedding pose, when the girl is in

the guy’s arms.  “My lady,” he smiled and put me down. Anthony was the sweetest guy on earth,

even when we were just friends. He turned out asking me out when we we’re in that horrific house

and ever since than we’ve stayed strong, I truly think I’m in love. Anthony was the nerd of our

‘popular’ group, but he was always the coolest. His thickly framed glasses cover some of his face

but they always left his eyes clear, they always made me feel special when they looked at me. He

was obviously fit, star of the lacrosse team, but I don’t know there was something about him that

just made me feel safe, and I’m just happy he’s here. I took hold of his hand again and we walked

together towards the ice cream parlour. 

I pushed the door open, hearing tiny bells ring from above the door. Together we walked

towards the long booth that all of us usually sat at during summer, sitting opposite from each other.

“So what did y’all want?” Sabrina asked, pushing her wavy ,dirty blonde hair back behind her

shoulder. Damn I wish I were her. All innocent and sweet, and definitely pretty, but we are who we

are. “Oreo!” I screamed slapping my hands down onto the thick ,red speckled table. “Strawberry

and orange,” Nicolette smiled and held Mike’s hand. “vanilla please, trying to watch my

weight,” Anthony said and smiled at me. I rolled my eyes at him and slapped his chest, “Rude” I

scoffed and crossed my arms across my chest. Ever since I was young, I always had a problem

with the way I look, even though everyone said I was perfect. I never want to gain another pound in

my life, if I do… I swear I’m gonna slap myself. “I was joking babe,” Anthony laughed and wrapped

his muscular arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. “Okey dokey!” Sabrina smiled

and kissed Kaydon on the cheek. There was no words to describe how smart he was. He was cute

too with his shaggy hair that always cover his gray eyes. 

“Shit…” Anthony whispered, his eyes glued onto something or someone behind me. I spun

around to looked at the door that was wide open. The sky grew darker by the second, as if a

hurricane was swiping in. But no I was wrong, so so wrong. Sabrina screamed by the cashier and

dropped the tray of ice cream. I looked towards her to watch her run into Kaydon’s arms. Kaydon

strategically pulled her into his arms, drag her over his lap and hid her behind his body all in one

fluid movement. What was going on… Mike pulled his arm over Nicolette tighter and moved her

closer towards the wall. Anthony looked at me across the table as I held onto Kaydon’s arm

trembling like a leaf. “Get down now!” Anthony screamed, the wind began to roar louder and louder,

threatening to suffocate me. I tried to follow what Anthony said but the wind swirled around me as if

it had fingers, and pulled me, well dragged me across the room, whipping my hair around and

tumbling me as if I were a hamster in a wind storm. I screamed, heck I cried, flying across the room

took the longest time ever. I was coming close to the door. I sucked in a deep gasp of air and held

my arms out to my sides.

My fingers locked onto the frame of the door, my fingers and nails screaming in agony. I looked

up at the ceiling for a brief second. My eyes widened through the wind. I finally knew why everyone

freaked out. Everything clicked together. Words were painted onto the ceiling with fresh blood. ‘Ellie

is back.’ 

The Goddess' DaughterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora