chapter two

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The thought of Armin still hadn't left Eren's mind but it was the thought of how to repay him that overtook it. After Eren had come back from the bathroom, everyone had dispersed, their lunch break was over and new customers were soon to come in. But throughout the rest of the day, Eren could hear the little comments Jean and Connie made back and forth, teasing him relentlessly. He would have gotten mad at them but they were right, the thoughts of Armin stayed in his head as he worked all day.

Then the day had come to a close, and Connie had just finished his last customer as Eren cleaned up the waiting room, trying to figure out where to place the sunflower.

"This day has dragged on for too long," Connie whined as he flopped back onto the couch, arm over his face.

"Well, that's what I go through every day," Eren said, sitting down on the opposite couch. Jean walked in, exhausted as he leaned against the counter.

"Hey idiot," Eren said, smirking. Jean turned around with an angered look on his face.

"What do you want?!" He yelled.

"Wow, I can't believe you actually responded to that," Eren said as Connie laughed. Jean grumbled and turned around, pouting. Mikasa walked in from one of the back rooms and sat down in one of the chairs at the front, drinking water.

"Well, it's time to pack up I suppose. See you losers tomorrow, don't be late." Eren stood up and walked over to the sunflower, picking it up and positioning it on the front desk.

"Wow boss, you're really taking your time to place the flower." Connie mocked, as he slowly got up.

Jean started to laugh at him as if he was any better. "You in love with him already?" He asked.

Eren rolled his eyes and avoided the question, he wasn't giving them some other reason to laugh at him. Walking up to the front door, Eren turned the open sign to the closed one, opening the door and ushering the two out.

They groaned and grabbed their stuff, winking as they walked by Eren and nodding towards the shop across the street. As they left Eren stood by the door, staring at the shop. He could see a few figures still moving in and out of it, and Armin standing around at the front watering his plants.

"Eren. Let's go upstairs unless you want to continue watching him." Mikasa always snuck upon him, even when she didn't try her footsteps were silent. He jumped and turned towards the curtains, pulling them shut as he closed up for the night.

"Whatever Mikasa, let's just go upstairs." He walked over to the back of the parlor, where the stairs to their apartment stood. Mikasa ushered him forward then hit the lights, darkening the entire parlor.


Staring up at the ceiling, Eren couldn't sleep no matter how hard he tried. It was embarrassing really, the fact that he still thought about the boy from earlier, and how to repay him back. But he swore it was just his guilty conscience, he felt bad for accepting a gift without having one in return.

As he looked around his dark room, an idea came into his head. Baking was one of the only things Eren prided himself in other than his work. He enjoyed it, and Jean never made fun of him for it(probably because he ate everything). It was a stress reliever, and he had baked so many things so much they were practically ingrained in his head.

Eren sprung up in bed and grabbed the shirt that lay at the end of his bed. He pulled it on and got up. While on the way to the door, he tripped over many things, cursing as he stubbed his toe.

He opened the door and the light blinded him for a second as he made his way over to the kitchen. He wasn't sure what Armin liked, but it was too late to go out so whatever he had ingredients for, he would make.

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