18 - The Final Battle

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The castle began to shake as the leaders started to release magical pressure. The Holy Queen wielded the Holy Sword of Light, and the Demon Lord wielded two dark blades formed out of his magical energy. The wings on their backs suddenly grew multiple times in size, and they each took to the sky out of the hole the Holy Queen had created to carry out their fight. Meanwhile, the four others were left on the ground to watch.

"Wow! Their wings grew, and they started flying! Can you do that, Charlotte?" Pain asked excitedly while ignoring the fact he had just been blasted with magic only seconds earlier.

"Sure, if I wanted to..." The Demon Lord answered in a shaky voice.

"This isn't good; shouldn't we try to stop them?" The Holy Princess asked.

"I don't plan to get into the middle of that!" the Hero said.

"I don't blame you; they are going at it. You can see flashes and everything," Pain said with a nod.

"Oh, there is a giant fireball; that's my father's trademark," the Demon Lord said.

"isn't he worried about burning anything else down?" the Hero asked.

"Don't worry, he wouldn't bring harm to Evuluss," the Demon Lord confirmed.

"He just cut a mountain in half, though?" The Holy Princess said in a concerned voice.

"He never did like that mountain," Charlotte thought out loud.

"More importantly, what is your father doing here?" Pain asked.

"Oh, he's been sealed away in the throne room... for a while," The Demon Lord said while looking slightly away.

"Oh, the Holy Queen slashed him with the sword," the Holy Princess said.

"Yeah, what's all that stuff coming out of him?" Pain asked.

"Dark energy being exorcised. That is what is supposed to happen when an evil being touches the sword," the Hero said.

Magical energy continued to light up the sky as the battle continued.

"Ugh," a zombie said as he shambled in.

"Oh, a battle between the Holy Queen and Former Demon Lord," Pain said to the zombie.

"Ugh," the zombie replied.

"Hmm, that's a good question. Guys, it seems like this battle is causing lots of chaos all over the castle," Pain told the group.

"You understand the zombies?" the Hero asked.

"Ugh," the zombie said.

"Hahahaha... wait, save the jokes for later! Quick, go rally everyone and get them to the storm shelter; we will do what we can here."

The zombie slowly gave Pain a salute and final 'ugh' before slowly shuffling off to the door.

"Aren't you worried he'll be a little slow?" The Holy Princess asked.

"Don't worry; I've spent countless hours with the zombies in dance practice. I've learned exactly what it takes to get them fired up." With that, Pain shouted to the zombie. "If you get this done fast, I'll put in a good word about you with that cute zombie in accounting!" In an instant, the zombie caught fire and ran out of the room.

"Should... I comment here?" The Hero wondered aloud.

"It's best just to let these matters go..." The Demon Lord said with a sigh.

The group turned back to the world-shaking battle that was unfolding before their eyes.

"So... what should we do about this..." Pain finally said after a moment of silence.

The Demon Lord's Summoning Has Gone Wrongحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن