11 - The Dark Commander and the Hero of Bright

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The Hero of Bright was a man by the name of Girolamo. He had fought countless battles up to this day and now was in the Dark Castle for one reason, to slay the Demon Lord that plagued their world.

The hero had gone through many trials and tribulations up to this day. He was once a poor peasant boy living in a village that was near the border of Evuluss. Naturally, his village was attacked one day. The Holy Princess arrived one day after the attack to see the damage. At that time, the current Holy Princess was still a child, so she was accompanied by her mother, who currently reigned as the Holy Queen. The young Holy Princess had thought the peasant was funny, so she decided to take him back to the Castle of Bright with her.

Girolamo was happy to join her. He had developed a desire for revenge after the attack, so he trained vigorously day after day until he grew into a fantastic soldier. In his first battle, the Hero quickly made a name for himself. It was a significant battle that retook the Kingdom of Bright's border city of Peacetown. He was quickly declared the Hero of Bright and became the Commander of the Bright Army.

After that, he fought many battles to retake land in the Kingdom of Bright along with their major allies such as Elvenwood, Dwarfoutain, and many others. All the while, he built a strong party and set his sights on the Dark Castle that sat in the heart of Evuluss.

By this point, the Hero of Bright had become tired of the war. His thirst for revenge had long been sated, and he just wanted to end the war as quickly as possible so that peace could return to all lands and he could take a long nap. On this day, he burst through the castle's gates with just that intention.

The attack on Goblopolis had been a distraction to draw troops away from other significant points. It had worked like a charm, and the hero had easily slipped through the enemies' lines. Now he was here for the face off against the ultimate evil. The castle was the last battlefield he would fight on, one way or another.

His party was surrounded by foes immediately as they burst in. They cut down some, but the numbers didn't seem to falter.

Then, in the distance, some large doors opened. A man stepped out from inside the castle. He wore a black trench coat and had one red eye; from a contact, he had had the goblins develop. He was the human Dark Commander. Girolamo gritted his teeth. There were rumors that a new Dark Commander was leading the forces of evil. A human that had betrayed his own to join a band of monsters. The Hero of Bright could not forgive such an act. He readied his sword as the Dark Commander walked closer.

"Hey, wassup," the man said with a slight wave of his hand.

The Hero became tense. Was that supposed to be some sort of spell? A curse even? He looked around at the Dark Army and then around at the scenery. Nothing was happening.

"What have you come here for? You villain!" the hero shouted while pointing his sword at the Dark Commander.

"Hmm, let's see. You seem like a hero, what with the clothes and fancy sword and all... and you have an elf with a bow, a dwarf with a hammer, and some kind of wizard with a beard and pointed hat. Were all the halflings that could carry rings too busy?"

The hero didn't know what the Dark Commander meant, but he felt like he was being mocked.

"Your vile words cannot sway me; I will defeat you and return peace to the lands!" he shouted.

"You know, I never realized how many "V" words could be used to talk to a Dark Army," the Dark Commander said while rubbing his chin.

"I will stop you!" Girolamo yelled.

"No, no, no. It should be something like 'Villain! Your venomous vapor is nothing but vanity. We will vanquish you, and you will wander hell as a vagabond.' You really should go all-in on the v's since I mentioned it."

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