Chapter One

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Standing at the edge of the rooftop, he stared down. Rain beat against his back, gentle wind flowing through his unclean, greasy dark blonde hair. His pale skin seemed to glow in the pale moonlight. He whispered under his breath, hugging his down jacket close to him, tears falling down with the rain.

It was the end, he knew it. One foot in front of the other, he came closer to the edge, the city's music ringing in his ears. His hands fell off his jacket, bushing his unkempt hair out of his face, smiling at the blinking beauty of New York, the place he could of called home. The rain felt like soft kisses along his face, trying to convince him not to.

"I can't stay, you know this. I'm sorry, I was never strong enough, I couldn't save you," his voice was hoarse, his throat stinging at the feel of the words.

One foot in front of the other, soft taps along the cement roof, moving up to the ledge. He climbed up, tapping his foot a few times. He took out the bag he brought, looking around before finding a rock. Inside was a piece of paper, holding his last words. He set the bag down, pushing the rock on, making sure it wouldn't fly away.

He sat down, dangling his feet over, sliding down, and eventually falling. Not a word spoken, not a cry heard.

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