"I have. It's nice out here." I told him as I looked around the snow.

"It is. You haven't even seen much of it either. I can only imagine your reaction when you see the most gorgeous parts of this." Court told me a smile on his face.

"You've helped a lot with me adjusting here." I told him.

Court looked down a small soft smile appearing on his lips. "I want you to be as comfortable as you can here. So, if you need anything just tell me and I'll do my best to get it." Court told me as he gave my hand a reassuring squeeze.

"Thank you." I told him and Court smiled.

"Speaking of that, is there anything you need? With winter coming a lot of people are selling things to prepare." Court asked.

"Maybe some more things to cook with." I told him and Court nodded as we began our journey back to the cabin.

Soon the cabin pulled into view. The small stall with Celeste in it pulled into view as well. He was currently eating some of the hay Court had put in with him.

 "You can go see him before we go inside." Court told me as if he had read my mind.

I smiled at him as Court let my hand go and I went up to Celeste. I had always adored horses, but we only ever had one. He was an older draft before he had passed away from old age. Horses were expensive in the village.

There is a nice amount of them though, but my parents never could afford another one. Most families breed their own horses, and we only had a gelding. 

Celeste is gorgeous. He had many spots on him and is very friendly. I picked up one of the treats Celeste had on the ground and stretched my hand out to him. Celeste looked up before he came over and accepted it.

Court appeared next to me as I ran my fingers over Celeste's forehead.

"I'm assuming you never had a horse of your own?" Court asked.

"No, we only had a draft, and he was the family horse to pull things. But he passed of old age." I told him and Court nodded.

"Your parents have two horses now, courtesy of my father." Court told me and I smiled.

"Did you build this stall for him?" I asked.

Court nodded. "Celeste and I are very close, and I wanted him to have a safe spot while out here. I keep him in here more in the winter. When it's spring he typically can wonder around here if he doesn't pass the tree line, but he knows not to. So, I don't worry about him, and I always check on him." Court told me.

I smiled as I patted Celeste's neck before he backed away.

"Where do you get all of this hay?" I asked looking at the hay he has stashed away.

"Some comes from the village, and I've transported some from surrounding cities." Court told me and I looked over at him.

"There are other cities?" I asked.

Court nodded. "They are far out though. More than a day journey." Court explained to me.

"Do you collect from them as well?" I asked.

Court shook his head. "They're outside of our territory. Too far away for us to do anything. The village is within our grounds. It's why we collect." Court told me.

"Would you be able to take me to a city one day?" I asked and Court took a deep breath.

"I could, one day. I'm sure you would enjoy it. No one would recognize you either. Or me." Court murmured and I smiled at him.

"Is there a reason this is the only nearby village?" I asked.

"I don't know. It's always been this way. Just a way of life. Most city folk avoid out here. It's considered untouched land full of dangers that very few people have ever braced." Court told me.

"Are there more dangerous things than people like you?" I asked.

"People like me?" Court asked amused.

"Wolves, or wolf-shifters." I told him.

"Who told you that name?" Court asked.

"Lyk did." I answered and Court nodded.

"I would assume there is more dangers out here than other wolf-shifters. Any humans that managed to escape the village long ago never made it to cities. They were killed or disappeared." Court explained.

I looked at the forest. "So, you aren't the only dangerous thing out there?" I asked.

"You'd have to go further out to encounter something besides wolf-shifters. But most likely. We wolf-shifters try not to travel that far, and if we do during the daytime or when we are shifted." Court told me.

"Is the journey to the city dangerous?" I asked.

"It can be. I try to leave early, and I always shift at night when I camp. Whatever is out there prefers not to confront us shifted." Court told me. He turned to me. "You have a lot of questions, are you planning to run away?" Court asked.

"Of course not, I was just curious, I'm sorry if I upset you." I told him.

Court shook his head. "Don't apologize, I'm just teasing you. I know you wouldn't run away." Court told me as he turned to the house. "We should head inside and start on dinner." Court told me and I nodded.

With that we went inside putting aside the talk of cities and dangers much worse than wolf-shifters.

2212. And I talked a little bit about the dangerous forest. The cities really won't be explored much as Ruby isn't going to want to leave knowing how dangerous the forest will be. But I might bring her there. We also had a pleasant experience with Isaac. Can't wait to head towards the plot more! I have lots planned. I might divide this into two parts depending on how things go! Not sure if I'll make a sequel or not. ***


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