Chapter 4 - Curious about Louis

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"It really does hurt. I've done it before, last year actually, twice," I could see Liam behind him trying not to laugh as Harry continued, "We were playing football and I ran into a goalpost and the second time I was running from one of my teachers who was shouting at me and I ran into the iron gates at the front of the school"

I laughed but gave him a sympathetic smile to let him know that I did feel his pain maybe I should tell them what had happened to me, "I've managed to knock myself out to you know." They both looked at me, "We were playing bench ball in PE as our last lesson before vacation and I tripped over the bench and fell straight on my face. I didn't wake up for twenty minutes or so even then I was still a little dizzy from the whole experience." Both Liam and Harry were laughing at this. I didn't mind I found it funny at the time and it happened to me.

After a couple more minutes of laughing we all got up and procceded tp get ready for school. I looked at my timetable I had stuck to the wall. Great I had PE first so much for memories. Harry came up behind me and looked at my timetable.

"Hey we have PE together! Don't worry I'll show you what you'll have to do." I smiled at least I wasn't by myself for the first lesson. I got dressed, wearing the regulation grey trousers, white shirt, blue jumper and blazer and black shoes. Thank God they didn't have hats like some private schools did that would just be to embarrassing. I grabbed my bag with my toiletries in and went into one of the bathrooms. It was amazing, large mirrors, massive shower and bath they weren't put together like they normally are they were separate. There was a toilet, sink and side where you could put your things while getting ready. I brushed my teeth and washed my face quickly before going back into the main room and running my fingers through my hair trying to direct it all into one direction. Then it would possibly look normal for once. It had the tendency to go wild, not that I minded but today I needed to make a good impression.

I grabbed my PE kit and followed Liam and Harry out of the door and down into the open sitting room. It wasn't time for breakfast yet so we were going to wait for a bit before going across into the main building. Liam and Harry sat down on one sofa and I sat down on another, looking around the room I could see the rest of the boys who were sharing a house with us. We all smiled and said our hellos. Then I noticed the blonde boy, Niall I think his name was sitting on an armchair on his phone. Zayn wasn't down here yet. Niall looked up from his phone, and over to where Liam, Harry and I were sitting. He texted something and waited for a reply before talking to us. Well not really Harry and I it was more directed at Liam, "Have you got a free period first?"

"Yeah I have"

"Oh okay can I come with you to the library then I have to talk to you."

Harry and I gave each other confused glances. Harry mouthed to me, "They aren't friends what does Niall want with him?" I just gave him another look to say that I had no idea. We were cut short of giving each other funny glances by a bell ringing. Everyone stood up and walked out of the building. I tailed them unsure of where we were going. Of course! BREAKFAST! I decided to take matters in my own hands and yelled out, "Lets start a conga line!" Everyone laughed but complied to what I said. I leading us the the main building. Our conga line went, Me, Liam, Harry, JJ, Josh, Olly, James, Jaymi, George, Niall. We were all having fun until I heard someone else's laugh. I turned around causing us all to walk into each other. It was Zayn! He was laughing so hard. He looked to perfect though his hair styled into the perfect quiff and his uniform made him look God Damn Sexy! It literally seemed to stick to his body in ALL the right places if you know what I mean...

I heard Niall yell at him, "Mate," Wow his accent was so strong and adorable no wonder everyone liked him, "Stop laughing and gawkin at us join the line and have some fun." Zayn stood behind Niall and we started to walk again.

Zouis, A Love Story (not famous)  *zouis malikson*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin