Okay NOW No More Secrets Pt.1

Start from the beginning

Dovey just stared at him, tears forming back in her eyes. "All I got from that is that you're still in love with Ryan. How was that suppose to help anything?" She asked. I was honestly wondering the same thing. I looked over at Ryan who too was in tears. I was basically the only person in the room that wasn't. I could even hear Brendons voice cracking as he gave his explanation.

"No, what I'm trying to say is I chose you over someone I consider the love of my life, because honestly I love you just as much as I do him." He explained. I guess Ryan had heard enough because he turned around and walked back outside.

"Why did you chose me?" Dovey asked.

Brendon opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out.

"Well???" Dovey asked in an impatient voice.

"I- I don't know." He whispered.

My hand shot up to my mouth in disbelif of what he just said. That had to have been the dumbest thing I've ever heard him say.

"Okay, yeah. You can get the fuck out of my house." Dovey said pointing towards the door.

"Dovey, no! Please give me another chance!!" Brendon begged.

"Hell no! Get the fuck out!" Dovey said shoving him towards the door. He looked at her with pitiful eyes but she looked at him with pure fury.

"C'mon man, lets go." I said grabbing his arm and dragging him outside.

When we got outside I let go of him.

"Why the FUCK would you say that???! " I yelled at him causing both him and Ryan, who was sitting down crying, to jump.

"I just honestly didn't know what to say." He replied.

"You realize you have ruined things with her for good, right?" I told him.

He didn't reply, he just broke down crying. Oh my god, if I see one more fucking person cry I'm going to explode. They are desensitizing me to sadness.

"Look, I'll go in there and try to talk to her. But theres not much I can do." I said going back in. Dovey sat fuming on the couch.

"Hey Dove, you okay?" I asked her, sitting down next to her cautiously. She turned and to look at me and just shook her head.

"Brendon really does love you. Why he said something as stupid as that? I have no idea, but hearing him talk about you the way he does and seeing all he's gone through just to be with you has to mean something." I told her.

"Yeah, I know he does. I just don't think he should be with me. He should be with Ryan. I'm not good enough for him, I'm just holding him back from being truly happy." She said. I could tell by the wavering in her voice that she was trying not to cry.

"He went through hell and back for you. If that doesn't tell you that you make him happy then I don't know what will." I told her.

"I know he did, and his life has been turned upside down because of me! He was basically kidnapped because of ME!!" She shouted. "He deserves better. He deserves Ryan." she finshed turning her face back away from me. She then shot up from the couch and walked over to the door. I rushed over to her and grabbed her arm before she was able to open the door.

"Dovey, what are you about to do?" I asked her, worried.

"I can't do this to him anymore. I can't do this to myself anymore. It's just not ever going to work." She said taking her arm back and going outside.

I sighed and followed behind her. When Brendon saw her he shot up from the ground quickly went over to her.

"Dovey, I'm so fucking stupid I shouldn't have said that. God, I'm such an idiot!" He said rushing over to her grabbing her hands.

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