"Don't fancy yourself. I simply came because my lawyer has made me aware that I don't have access to the lake house in Singapore."

"I don't have time for your....."

"Shhh. We aren't married anymore. There will be no more of that ice queen persona trying to boss me around."
Now her eyes did light up red.

"No. No one is going to speak to me in that tone. You have a problem with the settlement that is on your lawyer. I want you to leave now."


"That's not my name anymore." Miranda spat and tried closing the door. But Joel reached in and took her wrist a little harder that how he should.

"Leave her alone asshole!" Brando called from behind. Both Miranda's and Joel's attention shifted to him. Miranda took the chance and quickly released her wrist from Joel's grasp.

"Who are you?" Joel asked.

Brando hardened his jaw and walked up to them. He walked past Joel to Miranda. He wrapped his arm casually in her waist and grinned.

"I'm her boyfriend. And you....well you are old news. So please leave or I will drag your ass so fast out of here that your ass won't say goodbye to your pants. Go!"

Joel and Miranda flinched at the last word. Brando quickly steadied Miranda and returned his gaze to Joel.

Joel looked at them before walking away.

Brando pulled Miranda into the house and closed the door with his foot.

Miranda covered her face with her hands and moved away from him.

"Are you alright?" Brando asked after a moment of silence.


"Can I do something to help you?"

"Just......be quiet." She said a little more harsher than she meant.


She cursed innerly. She knew Brando was only trying to help. The fact was that she couldn't look at him not after what Pablo had said earlier or what had just happened.

Brando pursed his lips and nodded." I came to check on you. I know you've had a hard day. Sorry to interrupt."

"Check on me? I don't need a babysitter." Miranda nearly whispered. Nearly. Because she said it loud enough and with enough venom to sting. She didn't mean to say it but it slipped out.

It must have because she didn't want to hurt him. Not after he had just helped her.

Brando stood there in silence. He didn't necessarily stir his body but by now he was starting to head to the door.

Miranda saw this and felt her heart clench. For now and earlier. She couldn't let him go.

"No wait. I'm sorry. My anger is not towards you. Please stay. Please."  She hated how her voice sounded so desperate.

Brando nodded. But his feet didn't stop.
"Miranda, darling, I know you've had a hard day. And you need time alone. I'll call you tomorrow."

"I'm sorry. Please stay. I don't want to be alone." It took all of her to say these words. But Brando just loosened something up in her. Made her feel free. And not chained up to Miranda but more like Miriam.

Miranda started walking towards him. Her pale blue eyes now begging. Brando nodded once again. Not knowing what words to say. Somethings just seem to set her off.

"I'll stay. Just don't treat me like the dog." Brando chuckled. Miranda finally reached him. She chuckled lightly, too.

Brando stretched out his hand and took hers. Miranda took his hand too and pulled him inside again. When the door closed they seemed to be so close to each other.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2022 ⏰

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