author's note

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Hi everyone! My name is Ang, I'm a larrie (obviously) and I've been a Louis girl since 2010. First I'd like to say thanks so much for reading this story! I spent so many hours working on this over the past two months, and I am so proud of what I've written. I can't wait for someone to read this story, because I LOVE one direction and I put tons of effort into this. This is my first fanfiction, and I honestly really loved the writing process. It's been so fun creating something like this, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

If someone is reading this, thank you again, it means so much to me! Just a reminder, please take notice of the trigger warnings in the description. (I do not condone any of their behaviour in this story! I don't claim THST they are all good people! In fact it's pretty toxic so if that's not ur thing then maybe don't read!) Also, thank you to my friend Liv for bouncing off ideas with me and proofreading! She's the best and was so helpful with this story. The picture at the top of this page is the era that I imagined for the boys when writing this, and I did mention their ages pretty early on, so it's sort of like 2013.

Enjoy the story!!!


twitter- avolioangela

tiktok- toplinson_supremacy

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