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Truly I have no plan to save Liam. as a old general you'd think I'd have this all figured out. But this is a whiplash for me. It has been one whole day since I last saw Liam.

Currently I'm laying in the guest bed of Nick Rye. His house is a cozy one for sure. The walls lived in.

The blankets soft under my skin, since i'm laying on top of them instead of in them. No chances.

The blistering anger fueling me is making me crazy. I cant even sleep. I've been laying here for 5 hours. Finally I stand.

I rub my head as it pounds on my skull. I walk quickly to the door and down the stairs. There I find Kim in the kitchen.

She smiles sheepishly. "Pregnancy craving.." she says holding eggs. I smile at her and walk over.

"What are you craving and Ill make it. I used to be pregnant yknow." I say softly taking the eggs from her.

"We'll I want two sunny side eggs on toast with avocado slices." she smiles to herself just thinking about it. I chuckle lightly and pull out a pan from the nearest cabinet.

I cook the eggs while Kim stands next to me smiling at the pan. I let them cook while I toast some bread and grab an avocado.

I quickly slice it and lay it to the side. I take the eggs off the pan onto the plate waiting for the toast. Soon the toaster tings and I take the hot pieces out layering the sandwich.

"Here you go." I say handing her the plate.

"Thank you so so so much! Let's watch some tv yeah?" she says and I nod. I follow her as she sits the plate on the coffee table. She grabs the remote and turns the tv on.

The tv flickers on and the first ring is a live broadcast.

"Damn peggie's-"

"Keep the channel please.." I say and she nods.

The screen shows Joseph, John, Jacob, two unknown women to me, and my son.

"My children god has gifted us a new member of the family." he smiles. He grabs my sons shoulder and pulls him in front of him. "Meet Liam. Flesh and blood from Jacob." Joseph says his eyes the same as my sons, the same as Jacobs, hell the same as Johns. There is no denying he is a Seed.

"My nephew has come at the perfect time. We accept him with loving arms and his will be in New Eden with us my children." Joseph continues.

"Damn Seeds." I mumble to myself.

"Nephew... that's your son. Your sons father is Jacob!" Kim calls out shock written on her face. At the announcement of his name Nick runs down the stairs.

"Jacob! Jacob where!?" he calls out in a sleepy haze.

"Yes Kim. It was before all this cult shit." I groan running my hands through my hair.

"Oh Honey." she says laying a hand on my thigh.

"It doesn't matter now. I just need my son back so we can get the hell out of here." I say standing. "Nick I'll be in the truck meet me in ten and call the others."

He nods and runs up the stairs.


I rush to the veterinary center where the live broadcast is happening. Nick following by plane, Grace beside me in the front seat, and Sharky with Hurk in his own car. We pull in and I press the breaks quickly. I run to the stage being followed by the others.

"Hey!" I yell out. All eyes go to me. "You let my damn son go you understand!"

"Oh Allison come now no need for such language." Joseph says letting go of Liam walking toward me still in the stage.

"Oh cut the bullshit. I want my son and I want him now." I say through gritted teeth.

"Allison he is one of us now." Joseph calls to me.

"He's no damn Seed! He is mine! I birthed him, I raised him! You cant- You can't just take him from me!" I feel tears begin to run down my cheeks.

"We aren't taking him child." Joseph says in a sing song voice. "You may freely join us."

"No I want my son and I want to go home."

"Allison the boy is my son too." Jacob says, with a girl with dark hair on his arm.

"Please Jacob don't do this..." I call out. "I find out your alive and now your in this creepy ass cult and you've got some bitch on your arm!" I yell frustrated. "You know I never have been with anyone but you! I waited even when I thought you were dead you fucking asshole!" I yell my rage coming out.

I run into the stage and grab Liam's arm pulling him from Joseph into my arms.

Oh hey i'm back!!! I missed fc5 so much so here I am writing again lol

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2022 ⏰

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